Teller Report

system crisis

6/13/2022, 4:06:58 PM

“When in such a, to put it mildly,“ difficult ”situation, people, instead of trying at least somehow - at least crookedly, at least obliquely, at least self-servingly (as Biden’s predecessor Trump did, for example, it’s enough to recall his “shuttle” in during the last oil crisis between Putin and the Arab princes), but to solve the problem, they begin to shift responsibility and play off various groups of the population, this, alas, means only one thing. The systemic economic crisis is entering its next stage and developing into a crisis of the system.”

Well, it seems that the most interesting thing is finally starting in the Citadel of Democracy: one “sinister Putin” is clearly not enough to explain all the more and more American problems.

Now let's try to explain.

Speaking last Saturday to specially selected journalists (there simply cannot be others, there are no pitiful ongoing presidential affairs, there are already upcoming congressional elections on the horizon) in the seaport of Los Angeles, California, flowing in every sense of this American President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has finally fulfilled what he predicted long ago.

And he added to the external enemy the internal enemy.

Having blamed what is happening in the United States on the energy, economic, and indeed the devil knows what else, but, most importantly, the most sensitive for the average American voter, the “fuel” crisis is not only still ominous, but already somehow somewhat distant Russians, but also own oil companies.

By urging them to start ramping up production immediately and threatening to impose a tax on share buybacks,

which is especially unpleasant and sensitive for the rather conservative American oil industry.

At the same time, curiously, ExxonMobil got the most from Biden for some reason, we quote the American president: “Exxon made more money than the Lord this year” (c).

And here the author is even interested in how much Exxon earned in absolute numbers, how much Washington seems to have sent to the heavenly office of its tax inspectors.

What can I say here: this is absolutely none of our business, of course, but exclusively a personal headache for the United States and personally for Joseph Robinett Biden, Jr., but the accusations are pretty crazy.

And to be completely honest, it must be admitted that, in fact, few people have done as much to somehow normalize the situation in the American markets as American oil workers, who, by the way, are deprived of the state support that they enjoyed under the previous administration Donald Trump.

And not only, by the way, mining structures, but also traders.

They manage to deliver “through mixtures” to the American markets even “sanctioned” Russian oil.

Otherwise, the cost of a gallon of gasoline, which is so important to the current president of America purely politically, and the rest of America is stupidly at the level of survival, would be generally a khan. 

As a matter of fact, this is the whole point. 

American oilmen traditionally cooperate with the Republicans, the Democrats are not particularly liked there.

And when Biden accuses American oil companies of chasing super profits at the expense of the citizens of the United States of America, who are forced to pay record prices for gasoline, he does not at all try to pull the American economy out of crisis with the help of “strong criticism”.

He is simply trying to shift the responsibility for the consequences of his bad policy not only to the Russians, but also to the Republicans: well, why not, in fact. 

And this, perhaps, would not be unusual: American internal political disassembly sometimes takes even more bizarre forms.

Except for one small but: on the same day that Democrat Biden was eloquent in the seaport of Los Angeles, California, the cost of a gallon of Regular gasoline (corresponding to our AI-92, the "base" brand in America) updated a sad record and rose, according to the American Automobile Association, which tracks prices at more than 60,000 gas stations in the country, on average in the US to $5,004. 

At the same time, we recall that in the first week after the inauguration of Joe Biden as President of the United States at the end of January 2021, the exact same gallon of Regular could be bought on average almost two times cheaper, for $2.39.

The results of the activity, in general, are quite visual and quite impressive, you will agree.

And especially, by the way, just in California, where Biden spoke and where traditionally the most expensive American gasoline.

There, motorists now pay an average of $6.42 per gallon.

To be clear.

Gasoline is the blood of the real, and not hiding behind rows of numbers on America's monitors.

And the point here is not even that any self-respecting American family should at least once a year put a couple of children and dogs into their hefty car and wave across the continent to “rest” somewhere on the opposite coast. 

And not that over the words "size does not matter" all American motorists grin. 

It so happened historically that it was on motor transport - and the distances there are huge and somewhere quite comparable with our Russian expanses - that virtually all American logistics is built. 

Including, sorry, and food. 

And the price of gasoline will be built into, just as an example, the price of food at every stage of its production, warehousing and distribution to retailers.

Therefore, the cost of a gallon for Americans, who are absolutely sane in this, is such a fetish.

And that is why such a sharp increase in its price for an ordinary American is a real disaster.

Let us just recall that the United States is a complex state, where any violation of the balance can have the most unpredictable consequences.

And from a crisis similar to the Great Depression, the States are not at all able to get out without fomenting another world war.

And when in such a, to put it mildly, “difficult” situation, people, instead of trying at least somehow - at least crookedly, at least obliquely, at least self-servingly (as Biden’s predecessor Trump did, for example, it’s enough to recall his “shuttle” during the last oil crisis between Putin and the Arab princes), but to solve the problem, they begin to shift responsibility and play off various groups of the population, this, alas, means only one thing.

The systemic economic crisis enters its next stage and develops into a crisis of the system. 

Economic, political, social. 


And first of all, managerial: it stupidly stops responding even to the most pressing challenges.

And no difficult pre-election situation can possibly explain this.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.