Teller Report

One in three sunglasses in our country is putting our eye and visual health at risk

6/13/2022, 2:30:31 PM

Temperatures rise, daylight hours increase and we plan our suitcase for the beach: swimsuits, towel, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses... And although that cream for...

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Temperatures rise, daylight hours increase and we plan our suitcase for the beach: swimsuits, towel, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses... And although we give that

cream to protect us from the sun

all the importance it deserves and

we don't It would occur to us to buy it in a street stall

, with the protection of our eyes the same does not happen.

According to data from

the White Paper on Visual Health,

16 million sunglasses are sold in Spain each year, of which

six correspond to sales at street stalls

without any type of quality control or approval.

Or what is the same,

one in three sunglasses in our country is putting our eye and visual health at risk.

How do sunglasses work?

The lens is the essential part of the glasses, obviously, and it works by protecting our eyes in two ways.

  • The first is thanks to the

    tint layer


    This is a layer that all glasses bring, the good ones and the bad ones, and it is the one that we see with the naked eye and

    gives the lens a dark color


    That darkness of the lens protects our eye from direct sunlight.

  • The second way is thanks to the

    filter layer

    , a layer not visible to the naked eye and which is responsible for

    absorbing and neutralizing the sun's ultraviolet radiation


    This layer is only incorporated by sunglasses that pass the homologation process, not the

    low cost ones

    from street stalls.

Is that filter layer that important?

It is



Moreover, before using a sunglasses that does not incorporate this layer, it is better not to wear anything.

When we don't wear sunglasses, our pupil contracts to the maximum and our eyelids squint, allowing the minimum amount of radiation to pass into the eye.

But when

we wear sunglasses, the layer of tint causes our eye to relax

, the pupil to dilate and the eyelids to open... and if those glasses do not have a filter layer, we are allowing the radiation to penetrate without any impediment.

How can bad glasses harm me?


damage to the cornea to the retina, through the conjunctiva and the lens


It is not very frequent that these damages are perceived by wearing those non-approved sunglasses for a couple of days, but in the medium or long term.


are not just another fashion accessory


They are protective equipment that must comply with regulations, such as masks, car airbags or a motorcycle helmet.

Should children wear sunglasses?

Of course yes, and

from any age.

Its use is even more necessary than in the case of adults, since their lens is still immature and

we must protect it from the sun's ultraviolet radiation.

How to distinguish good sunglasses from bad ones

Unfortunately, there are people capable of counterfeiting anything in order to earn money, we have seen it with the masks to protect us against the coronavirus, and with the glasses it is no different.

There is no totally reliable home method

to check if the sunglasses we have at home are approved or not, if they contain two layers of protection or not, we would have to go to a laboratory or to some optician, but there are certain elements that can make us suspect.

Good sunglasses should have

the CE marking engraved on the inside of the temple or on the packaging,


acronym UV

followed by the number of the protection category (a value between 0 and 4) and the

regulations that regulate them

(UNE- EN 1836:2006).

If any of these elements, or all, are missing, it is better not to take risks with them.

What is this category?

The category is a value that ranges from 0 to 4 and tells us the degree of protection offered by that lens against ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

  • Categories 0 and 1 offer

    less than 56%


    , and in my opinion it is not worth buying them if we are looking for a good goggle for different uses.

  • Categories 2 or 3.

    If what we are looking for is to acquire good sunglasses, which

    are useful both for driving and for going to the beach, strolling through a park or going shopping while being well protected

    and without spending a fortune, my recommendation is choose one of these types.

    These are recommended for medium or high brightness, and absorb between

    57% and 91% of UV radiation


  • Category 4

    still absorb more, but we can't use them for driving.

  • Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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    • Coronavirus

    • covid 19

    • Masks

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    • deconfinement

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