Teller Report

I caught the murderer of a former judge in the United States... Senate Minority Leaders and Governors also target

6/5/2022, 5:14:14 AM

A gunman who tried to target the killing of senior officials, including the Senate minority leader and the governor, has been arrested after killing a former judge. CNN and ABC reported on the 4th that an unidentified suspect killed John Romer, a former judge at the Juno County Circuit Court in Wisconsin, at his home in New Lisbane on the morning of the 3rd, citing sources.

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A gunman who tried to target the killing of senior officials, including the Senate minority leader and the governor, has been arrested after killing a former judge.

CNN and ABC reported on the 4th that an unidentified suspect, citing a source, killed John Romer, 68, a former judge at the Juno County Circuit Court in Wisconsin, at his home in New Lisbane on the morning of the 3rd (local time). .

At around 6:30 a.m. on the 3rd, reports of a man armed with 911 and two gunshots were received, and Juno County's special tactical response team found the deceased former Judge Romer at home.

Police tried to negotiate with the suspect, Douglas K. Woody (56) before entering, but to no avail. About 10:20 a.m., about four hours after arriving at the scene, the police entered the house and found a suspect who was shot and wounded by himself in the basement. I found it.

Former Judge Romer was shot dead with his hands tied to his chair.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice, which investigated the case, said, "Police provided first aid, and the suspect was transported to a medical facility. The gun was retrieved from the scene."

The suspect is currently in critical condition.

The state justice department explained that the murder was caused by a past ruling.

Sources said the list of murders came from the suspect's car, particularly at the scene of the crime, including former Judge Romer, Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and other high-ranking officials such as Wisconsin Governor Tony Ivers and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. It was reported that there were more than 12 personalities.

The Michigan governor's office confirmed today that "police officers received notice yesterday that Governor Whitmer's name appeared on the list of Wisconsin shooters."

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Cole said: "The incident appears to have been targeted and the suspect may have had other targets as well. It appears to be related to the judicial system."

Attorney General Cole added that there is currently no evidence that others are at risk and that the investigation is ongoing.

"Other people who have been targeted have been notified of this, but we are not aware of the current threat to them," he said.

Wisconsin court records show that former Judge Romer was involved in Woody's criminal case in 2002 and sentenced him to six years in prison on charges of armed theft in 2005.

Police officials said they were treating the case as a murder and a potential domestic terrorist attack.

(Photo = Wisconsin State Department of Corrections, Yonhap News)