Teller Report

The Russian Foreign Ministry considered the appeals of citizens in connection with restrictions on their right to leave

6/1/2022, 7:06:54 PM

The Russian Foreign Ministry held a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission to consider the appeals of Russians in connection with restrictions on their right to leave the country.

According to the agency, during the meeting, nine appeals were considered from citizens who had previously been denied the issuance or issuance of international passports to leave Russia due to "knowledge of information constituting a state secret."

“After receiving a response to the Commission’s request, temporary restrictions on travel abroad were lifted from one applicant ... Based on the results of consideration of the appeals of seven citizens, the decisions to establish temporary restrictions were found to be justified,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

In another case, the commission came to the conclusion that the restriction of the right to leave the country was unreasonable.

The commission will send a letter to the head of the organization that restricted the citizen's right to leave, with a proposal to eliminate the corresponding violation.

On January 1, 2022, new rules for classifying information as state secrets came into force in Russia.

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