Teller Report

Biden said that the West is discussing the option of buying Russian oil at a reduced price

6/1/2022, 8:49:33 PM

US President Joe Biden said that Western countries are discussing the option of purchasing Russian oil at below market prices instead of refusing to import it.

According to him, Western countries are trying to find a way to contain the rise in energy prices.

“You have a problem that has emerged now that Europe is deciding that they will further restrict purchases of Russian oil.

There are active reflections on what can be done - maybe even buy oil, but at a limited price, ”RIA Novosti quotes Biden’s statement.

Earlier, a leading analyst at the National Energy Security Fund, an expert at the Financial University, Igor Yushkov, in an interview with NSN, expressed the opinion that Europe and the United States are unprofitable for the oil shortage due to anti-Russian sanctions, so Russia can compensate for the losses from the embargo.

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