Teller Report

Therefore, the judge issued the first rap ban: Has saved lives

5/31/2022, 4:06:41 AM

Since 2018, the members of the British rap collective have 1011 restrictions on their music creation. Judge Ann Mulligan issued a type of ban that she believes has stopped several violent crimes in London's criminal environment, and in the long run saved lives. - The verdict aimed to prevent them from having texts that obviously encouraged violence, she says.

In 2017, two rival criminal gangs in London released so-called drill music with violent lyrics directed at each other.

The rap collective 1011, which was behind some of the songs, was stopped at that time by the police.

In their car, masks and weapons were found, such as large machete knives and baseball bats.

The artists were later convicted of "conspiracy to commit violent disorder", ie a type of preparation for violent crime.

Police believe they were looking to injure the other gang.

In court, the music videos of the rap parties were also used as evidence that they were planning an attack.

Got restrictions on his music

In addition to a year in prison, a British court issued a so-called CBO (Criminal Behavior Order) against the artists.

It is a restriction which in this case means that the police must review the artists' lyrics and music before it is released.

Their participation in various music videos is also controlled so that there is no risk of contributing to more violent crimes in the criminal environment.

- I wanted these young men to be able to continue and have successful careers, but at the same time prevent them from inciting violence, says judge Ann Mulligan.

Defense Attorney: "The genre should not be demonized"

1011 is not alone in having been restricted by a ban.

The restrictions on rappers in the music genre drill (in Sweden often called gangster rap) have been criticized in the UK.

The organization Index on Censorship believes that it is a type of censorship that risks creating a dangerous precedent for other artists.

"We need to fight the actual violence, not ideas and opinions," the organization's CEO Jodie Ginsberg told The Guardian.

Cecilia Goodwill, defense lawyer for the artist Digga D who was part of the rap collective 1011, understands in a way the limitations and does not think that music, for example, should mock and provoke deaths.

- I think there are arguments on both sides, but I really do not think that the genre drill should be demonized, she says to SVT Edit.

See the whole Edit - The forbidden gangster trap on SVT Play.