Teller Report

Save Moldova

5/30/2022, 6:24:12 PM

“The cleansing of pro-Russian forces inside Moldova opens the way to unfreezing the Transnistrian conflict. And this is very necessary for American strategists against the backdrop of a special military operation in Ukraine, because in this way a second front against Russia will open in Moldova. That is, the task of Sandu’s American curators is to provoke the resumption of the Transnistrian conflict by launching an attack on Transnistria, and thereby disperse the forces of the Russian armed forces, disperse their efforts, briefly postponing the inevitable fate of the current Kyiv regime.”

Former Moldovan President Igor Dodon believes that those who ordered his arrest are outside the Republic of Moldova and pursue geopolitical goals: “I have reason to believe that not only internal political interests are being pursued, not only the fight against the opposition, but also certain geopolitical goals, and that’s all. the secret becomes clear sooner or later,” Dodon said.

And there are indeed grounds for suspicion of external interference in the affairs of the Moldovan state.

To begin with, since December 2020, pro-American forces have again been brought to power in Moldova.

With the participation of the odious globalist and champion of liberalism George Soros, a former employee of his foundation, Maia Sandu, was placed in the presidency of the country.

It is clear that the ideologist of dehumanization and dissolution in the melting pot of globalization chooses only the most proven personnel.

So Sandu went through all the circles of the globalist selection in order to get the right to serve the prince of the globalist elite: work at the Soros Foundation and at the World Bank office in Chisinau, a master's degree at the Harvard Institute of Public Administration in Cambridge, work as an adviser to the executive director of the World Bank in Washington.

And these are just some milestones in the great career of the globalist agent Sandu.

It is not surprising that at the time of the arrest of Igor Dodon, Maia Sandu (just on her birthday) was among the closest people - American senators.

Well, what, family, no children, the girl is absolutely free, she made a gift to herself for her birthday, and to American senators.

Actually, American strategists have been trying for decades to turn Moldova away from Russia towards the West, establishing external control there.

Until then - in vain, and here is a new chance.

As elsewhere, the American political technologists, who have plunged more than a dozen states into chaos, do not care about the law.

For the first time in the history of Moldova, the former president of the country is being detained on four charges, including a serious one of treason, without presenting any evidence.

Thus, the arrest of the ex-president of the Republic of Moldova is an absolutely illegal political reprisal in its purest form.

Under the rule of law, this would be a scandal, a reason for apologies and high resignations of representatives of law enforcement agencies and justice.

But when a group of American senators are with you, and even on your birthday, you are allowed to do everything!

Realizing all the ambiguity of what happened - the complete legal failure of the arrest, Maia Sandu tried to pretend to be surprised, saying, oh, I myself only found out about this from the press.

It turns out that she was so drunk and careless on her birthday that she was unable to accept messages from the leadership of the SIS (Information and Security Service of Moldova), which is directly subordinate to the president and coordinates all important decisions (and the detention of the ex-president refers specifically to such) with the head states.

It is time to ask the question: with whom does the SIS actually coordinate such decisions that Maya Grigoryevna was not even informed?

This is not to mention the fact that Madame Sandu opened a Pandora's box with this arrest, personally creating a precedent for political reprisal against the former head of state (the bearer of state secrets), which, in fact, predetermined her future fate.

Only the leaders of failed quasi-states somewhere in Africa allow themselves to do this, and in every possible way avoid the elite of the “civilized” West within themselves.

Or what, again “not me, I was not there, not in the know”?

Well then, you've just been set up, Madam President.

Why are the globalist elites sacrificing such a "specially important person"?

It seems that this is just an attempt to seize the initiative in the conditions when Moldova is once again slipping out of their hands.

Thanks to numerous polls, it is known that the majority of the population of Moldova, 90% of whom identify themselves as Orthodox, is still in favor of rapprochement with Russia.

It was Igor Dodon who, during his tenure as president, advocated strengthening friendship with Russia, for the neutrality of Moldova, and for the first time in the entire post-Soviet history, contrary to the intrigues of the globalists Soros, he achieved observer status for Moldova in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

It is precisely for this that he became Soros' main enemy in Moldovan politics, and it is precisely for following the position of the majority that he is now being threatened with a term of 20 years.

For Soros and his agents, it is precisely the pro-Russian position that is the most important and grave accusation, comparable in severity ... Here it was necessary to find some appropriate article of the Criminal Code ... Ah, here it is: with treason.

Proof of?


There would be a person hated by the globalists, and the evidence would be fabricated.

When did the violation of the law, international or, even more so, national law stop them?

Power is right, and let that be your only law.

No evidence, hence the absolutely unjustified detention.

Another important factor that provoked such rash actions is that, according to polls, the opposition Bloc of Communists and Socialists of Sandu (38%) today bypasses the party in power (37%) in ratings, although the latter entered parliament with a large margin.

And if it goes on like this, then Soros' Action and Solidarity (PAS) will lose its majority, which is fatal for the parliamentary republic that Moldova is.

Actually, all this is the internal political reasons for the reprisal against a political opponent.

But now the most important thing, for the sake of which, in fact, all this illegal adventure of Soros networks with the arrest of Igor Dodon was started, which he himself writes about: geopolitical goals.

And although the secret has not yet become clear, geopolitical logic allows us to understand what, in fact, they are trying to achieve in Washington, that they needed Moldova so much without Dodon and the pro-Russian coalition led by him.

The cleansing of pro-Russian forces inside Moldova paves the way for the unfreezing of the Transnistrian conflict.

And this is very necessary for American strategists against the backdrop of a special military operation in Ukraine, because in this way a second front against Russia will open in Moldova.

That is, the task of Sandu's American curators is to provoke the resumption of the Transnistrian conflict by launching an attack on Transnistria, and thereby disperse the forces of the Russian armed forces, disperse their efforts, briefly postponing the inevitable fate of the current Kyiv regime.

This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, to uncork the export of Ukrainian grain from Ukraine through Moldova to Romania and further to Europe, while opening a channel for the counter delivery of weapons to Ukraine.

Here, as always, American pragmatists, as usual, solve several very important tasks at once and do this, as usual, at someone else's expense.

Namely, due to the war of some "barbarians", as they arrogantly define representatives of all non-Western peoples, with other "barbarians".

What difference does it make how many Russians, Slavs, Moldovans or even Romanians die if American interests are achieved in this way.

It is clear that one small Moldova, inhabited by Orthodox people with pro-Russian sentiments, will not be enough for a long burning.

Hence the desire to involve Romania in this process.

Here it will burn for a long time.

Last week, one MEP from Romania already said that Moldova's shortest path to the European Union is unification with Romania.

And they would have been absorbed long ago, if not for the pro-Russian majority of the citizens of Moldova, on the one hand, and not for the political coalition (the very Bloc of Communists and Socialists, which has support among the majority of the inhabitants of Moldova), on the other.

Now Dodon, who has created a coalition and consistently leading Moldova to sovereignty, is under arrest, and the position of the majority of liberals and globalists is not interested, because they rely on the position of minorities and they do not care what the majority of the population thinks.

And what about Russia?

For 30 years we adhered to the principle of non-intervention, repeating the formula about the “internal affair of the name” like a spell, and this is what it led to.

If Russia had influenced the processes taking place in Ukraine with the help of "soft power", we would have achieved the desired result earlier.

But since we did not do this, we now still have to solve the same problems, but in a more radical and costly way.

The Russian side needs not only to actively join in support of Dodon, but also to start supporting all pro-Russian forces, and, consequently, the entire pro-Russian majority of Moldova.

Thus, join in support of the sovereignty of Moldova in the face of the threat of its termination by absorbing Romania and throwing it into the cauldron of a big war in the geopolitical interests of the United States to the last Moldovan ... Or to the last Romanian?

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.