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International press review - In the spotlight: presidents in the field

5/30/2022, 2:06:33 PM

International press review In the spotlight: Presidents in the field Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits the Kharkiv region in northeastern Ukraine on May 29, 2022. via REUTERS - UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SER By: Sébastien Duhamel Follow 5 mins Advertising Presidents in the field... Starting with Volodymyr Zelensky, with "  an unexpected visit  " this Sunday, May 29 to the besieg

International press review

In the spotlight: Presidents in the field

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits the Kharkiv region in northeastern Ukraine on May 29, 2022. via REUTERS - UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL PRESS SER

By: Sébastien Duhamel Follow

5 mins


Presidents in the field... Starting with Volodymyr Zelensky, with " 

an unexpected visit

 " this Sunday, May 29 to the besieged region of Kharkiv, reports


Frankfurter Allgemeine


A visit to the front line, the first known since the start of the Russian war of aggression, notes the German newspaper.

While for his part Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov rightly described the Donbass as an “ 

absolute priority

 ” for Moscow, the Ukrainian president “ 

accused Russia of waging a war of annihilation



Süddeutsche Zeitung

explains to us, for its part, how the European Union wants to “ 


 ” the embargo on Russian oil.

The European Commission has indeed presented a compromise: “ 

The ban on importing Russian oil should initially apply only to deliveries by tanker, pipelines being excluded


In Spain,

El Pais

underlines how the European Union is thus trying “ 

to exempt Hungary from the Russian oil embargo

 ”: “ 

by limiting the sanction to oil imported by boat, this would allow Budapest to maintain its supply by pipeline 


One of the delicate questions which was to be tackled today during a summit of the 27 in Brussels.

Joe Biden in Uvalde

The other president on the ground was Joe Biden

not at the front, but almost

 this Sunday in Uvalde, Texas, the scene last week of a new massacre in a school.

The American press naturally returns to this trip.

The photos of the president and the first lady, at the memorial installed for the victims, made the front pages of the

New York Times

and the

Washington Post

, as well as many other daily newspapers.

With a request heard many times by the American president, according to the

Washington Post

: “ 

do something


In Great Britain, front page images from the

Daily Telegraph

or the

Financial Times

as well.

The business daily speaks of a " 


 ", a " 


 ", and notes that the US Department of Justice decided yesterday to examine " 

the law enforcement response to the shooting - a response that was subject to growing criticism for being too slow


The full report and its findings should be made public. 

When the football party turns into a nightmare

The party anyway, Sunday May 29 in Madrid, after Real's fourteenth crowning in the Champions League against Liverpool on Saturday evening.

A party in one of

El Pais


El Mundo

especially this morning, but the nightmare for the others, English side.

The night of shame

 " for football: it is to read on the front page of the



This night of shame, direct reference to the organization of the match and to the events around the Stade de France.



insists here on

the shame of UEFA 


, the governing body of European football " 

confronted with inconvenient truths concerning the treatment of Liverpool fans who tried to enter the Stadium

 ": " 

Locked in, gassed and then charged

 observes the




Daily Mail

correspondent describes the “ 



 ” for us.

He points to the responsibility, not only of UEFA, but also that of the French police who used tear gas “ 

on children, parents and grandparents


People who have obviously created " 

no problem

 ” and who nevertheless suffered “ 

treatment that would normally be reserved for rioters



Daily Mail

even recounts the misadventure of an Associated Press journalist who was filming on the spot, “ 

but the security agents did not like it, snatching his accreditation and threatening to kick him out of the stadium.

He was given back his accreditation, but only after seeing him erase his video

 , ”we learn.


Daily Mail

correspondent then compares the situation with that of Wembley last year for the Euro final, " 

when thousands and thousands of people forced entry without a ticket

 " and according to him, this had nothing to do.


What a shocking situation

 ,” concludes the British daily.

Memories rekindled from the Hillsborough drama

And that reminds English supporters of very bad memories... The memory of Hillsborough, 33 years ago, in 1989: a deadly stampede cost the lives of 97 people on the sidelines of a meeting between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest.

And today, Liverpool supporters "  compared the



in Paris to that of Hillsborough

 ," reports

The Guardian


Testimony in support of people who " 

claim to have feared for their lives 

", like David Hugues, present on Saturday at the Stade de France and who precisely lost his father in the stampede of 1989. He deplores the organization " 


 ” and the “ 

attempts to put the blame on the supporters

 ”, as Gérald Darmanin, the French Minister of the Interior, did.

However, “

they seriously need to look each other in the face

,” says David Huges,

“you can't have 20,000 fans passing under two columns in a subway.

Unfortunately, we have experienced this in the past and it does not work

 ”, regrets the England supporter.

The triumph of Belgian cinema at the Cannes Film Festival

The Belgians are still not world champions, but they are proud of their cinema... And we understand this when reading the newspaper

Le Soir

, which headlines on " 

the triumph of Black-Yellow-Red cinema

 " at the festival of Canes.

Saturday May 28, a " 

magical and historic evening for Belgian filmmakers at the closing ceremony

 ", can we read.


We dreamed of a Palme d'Or, we have better than that!

 “, enthuses the editorial.


A jury prize, a Grand Prix and a unique prize, that of the 75th anniversary.

100% success for the Belgians in the running

 ,” notes

Le Soir


It's unheard of

 ," he told us: " 

Even the craziest bookmakers wouldn't have dared to bet that!




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