Teller Report

Artificial intelligence applications in our lives

5/30/2022, 10:06:28 PM

When we pass the term artificial intelligence, we may think that it does not concern us, and that this complex technology belongs only to technology companies or large companies, but if we look closely, we will find that artificial intelligence is an integral component of our daily life from the time we wake up until we go to sleep;

5 minutes

Artificial intelligence applications in our lives


Alaa Jarrad

May 31, 2022

When we pass the term artificial intelligence, we may think that it does not concern us, and that this complex technology belongs only to technology companies or large companies, but if we look closely, we will find that artificial intelligence is an integral component of our daily life from the time we wake up until we go to sleep;

For example, when we use a mobile phone to recognize the face, this is one of the applications in which the phone shines 30 thousand invisible infrared light points to identify your facial features, and make sure that you are the same person whose image is saved.

Apple says the chance of error here is one in a million.

Some of the other applications that combine artificial intelligence and machine learning include browsing social media. Social media uses machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to filter the content that you receive, as well as suggestions to add specific friends.

This technology is now relied upon in university admission programs, where applications follow students’ interests and search for academic programs and universities, and thus offer and suggest what suits them of academic programs based on multiple inputs about the student that the student may not realize about himself, these technologies know more about us than we know About ourselves sometimes.

Of course, the importance of these technologies also appears in the Internet search, where it is enough to type the first letters of the word for Google to complete the rest for you, depending on the geographical area in which you reside, the details of your previous search, and even the topics that are searched in your area.

Another application that most of us probably use is free translation programs such as Google Translate and proofreading programs such as Gramerly, which studies the entire content and suggests different formulations for you, not just a grammar check, and also gives you an indication of whether the content is negative, positive, cheerful, etc. .

This also applies to banking applications, insurance companies, and almost all of the offers we receive daily.

It is important for us to be aware and understand these technologies as ordinary users, not just to be consumers, and therefore take care when sharing personal data on websites. At the same time, there are opportunities offered by artificial intelligence and machine learning to the business sector in our Arab world, where companies can compete internationally and not only locally, Technology is available to all, assuming the availability of infrastructure, and there are huge economic opportunities to invest in these technologies and create large national and local sources of income. This field, and there are success stories that can be learned from countries such as South Korea, Estonia, Singapore and India, especially that what distinguishes our Arab region most is the availability of the human element, especially the youth category.

• It is important that we are aware and understand these technologies as ordinary users and not just as consumers.


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