Teller Report

The emptied Spain (or in the process of) sneaks through Jaén in the Andalusian elections of 19-J

5/16/2022, 6:18:47 PM

Teruel Exists was born in 1999 as a citizen movement, in the form of a platform, to channel discontent over the institutional abandonment of the province. With barely...

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Teruel Exists was born in 1999 as a citizen movement, in the form of a platform, to channel discontent over the

institutional abandonment

of the province.

With hardly any services, a significant infrastructure deficit and endemic isolation, the demographic hemorrhage was unstoppable and the street channeled the indignation of its inhabitants.

In November 2019, Teruel Exists took the form of an electoral ballot and won the general elections in that Aragonese province.

The result, a deputy and two senators who have been able to get into the national political agenda.

That path is the one that Jaén wants to travel, with the regional elections on June 19 as the first stop.

After decades listening to the promises of politicians while witnessing the

economic and social collapse

of the province, what began as a banner citizen movement has been transformed into an electoral list and the gateway to the phenomenon of Spain emptied into the Andalusian community.

The two local parties that were born last year in the heat of popular outrage, Jaén Deserves More and Levanta Jaén, will finally be presented in a

single "integration" list in

the style of Por Andalucía, after the agreement between the two formations did not come in time to register as an electoral coalition.

In this way, the Levanta Jaén candidates will be presented within the list of Jaén Deserves More, which is the mark that the people of Jaén will find on the electoral ballot next June 19 when they go to vote.

“We were fed up”, summarizes the coordinator of Levanta Jaén, the Linares lawyer Javier Saigner to explain the step they have taken from

social activism

to politics and which, he admits, “gives vertigo”.

But behind it, he hopes to have the

citizen support

that brought together tens of thousands of people in the streets in the mobilizations that the protest platforms of Jaén have called in recent years.

It was, Saigner maintains, the next step after a social activism in which they had "hit the ceiling" and in the face of

unfulfilled promises

that continued to be the only response from politicians.

Oblivion, neglect, abandonment... These are some of the synonyms that are in the vocabulary of Jaén's candidacy Deserves More (with Levanta Jaén included in the same list).

And the

coalition government of

the PP and Ciudadanos, reproaches the leader of Levanta Jaén, has not been an exception.

"Juanma Moreno was in Linares and promised us a

special plan

but nothing has come here," he complains, convinced that the problem is that those who are elected by Jaén do not then defend the interests of the province, but those of their own party, to those who fold.

Juanma Camacho and Javier Saigner after sealing the agreement. THE WORLD

Juanma Camacho, coordinator of Jaén Deserves More, enumerates the list of grievances: Jaén, he says, is the only Andalusian province that

has lost population

in the last half century and the calculations of the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia (IECA) suggest that it will lose 103,000 more inhabitants between now and 2040. Added to this is the fact that Jaén is the province with the fewest doctors and nurses per inhabitant of the community or that it periodically tops the unemployment statistics, with 40% youth unemployment.

Camacho describes it as "mistreatment" of Jaén.

For all this, Saigner insists, a candidacy of the province itself, independent of the big traditional parties, was essential.

The future goes through

a single

local party in Jaén and that is what both Levanta Jaén and Jaén Merece Más are going for, aware that separately they have very little chance of exerting the influence they aspire to.

The “integration” candidacy is, they maintain, the first step.

Originally, Levanta Jaén was born circumscribed to the triangle formed by Linares, Andújar or Úbeda, while Jaén Merece Más had its origin in the capital.

At its birth and now in its presentation on the political scene are


of all kinds, from lawyers like Saigner to workers in the hotel sector, like Camacho.

A plural representation, they say, of Jaén society.

As for

electoral expectations

, explains the coordinator (and candidate) of Jaén Deserves More that "we stepped on the ground" and are aware of the difficulties.

The polls, he details, give them between zero and two deputies, but whatever the result on June 19, he emphasizes that this is only the beginning and that the ballot will be presented in all the electoral appointments that come later.

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  • Jaen

  • Spain Emptied

  • Teruel exists

  • Andalusia Elections