Teller Report

Trump proposed to bomb drug laboratories in Mexico and then deny that the US had done it

5/6/2022, 10:48:54 PM

Donald Trump proposed bombing drug laboratories in Mexico with missiles, and then denying that the US carried out the attack, so that "no one could...

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Donald Trump

proposed bombing drug laboratories in


with missiles, and then denying that the US had carried out the attack, so "no one could know it was us."

This is stated by the one who was none other than Secretary of Defense with the president,

Mark Esper

, in his memoirs, entitled

'Sacred Oath'

, which will be published in the United States next week.

Trump's eldest son, Donald 'junior', has defended his father's idea on Twitter, and has wondered why some say it is a bad idea.

Esper's book follows the guidelines of practically all of the president's former collaborators.

I mean, he puts it back and a half.

Although it is also worth wondering why he was spared all that criticism until Trump fired him and signed a contract with a publisher.

Esper was removed from his post after the November 2020 election, which Trump lost, in what many in the United States saw as an attempt by the then president to place a person of the highest loyalty at the head of the

Department of Defense

with the possible objective of carrying out a coup that would invalidate the result of the elections.

Be that as it may, the fragments of the book made available to the media by the publisher reveal that Esper does not spare Trump criticism or examples of what he considers the president's barbarities.

Among the anecdotes, it stands out trying to get the

Armed Forces

to shoot the protesters who were in front of the

White House

, proposing the sending of 250,000 soldiers to the border with Mexico to stop the caravans of Central American immigrants, or shouting insults at the chief of staff ,

Mark Milley

, because he does not have the power to give orders to the

National Guard

, which is something that Milley is not to blame for, since it is established by law.

Of all of them, the most spectacular is the bombing of drug trafficking infrastructure in Mexico.

Trump's argument that the Mexican government "does not control its own country" is largely true.

Another thing, however, is that bombing the laboratories where the drug is refined is the best way to tackle the problem.

But the thing does not end there.

According to Esper, Trump planned the bombing to be secret.

"No one is going to know it was us,

" he said, according to the account of the former defense secretary, the then president.

Apparently, Trump does not know that there are things called "radars" that detect flying objects, and that the Mexicans have them, with which he would realize that the missiles came from the north, and that, between Canada and the United States, it is much the second of those countries is more likely to launch a bombing raid, in part because of its own historical tradition.

Nor does it seem plausible that

El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras

were going to bomb Mexico.

The second nuance is of a technical nature.

Esper says Trump suggested the bombardment be "with

Patriot missiles


The problem is that the 'Patriots' are anti-aircraft missiles, that is, they are made to destroy planes and other missiles, not to attack targets on the ground.

A 'Patriot' cannot be programmed to destroy anything that is not flying.

To date, the laboratories of the Mexican cartels in which cocaine, methamphetamine, and opiates are produced for distribution in the United States do not fly.

Trump's Mexico bombing strategy appears to be part of the former president's military doctrine.

In February, when




, Trump defended that the US should bomb that country with F-22 planes, but with the flags of


, to blame that country.

Such a brilliant tactic, however, obviated, among other things, the detail that the F-22 is a fighter, and is not used for bombing, exactly like the 'Patriots'.

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