Teller Report

On May 6, Russia will hold an informal meeting of the UN Security Council on the topic of crimes by the Ukrainian military

5/5/2022, 8:54:21 PM

On May 6, Russia will hold an informal meeting of the UN Security Council on the so-called Arria formula on the topic of crimes by the Ukrainian military.

This was stated by the First Deputy Representative of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyansky in his Telegram channel.

He said that the meeting will be devoted to the crimes of the Ukrainian military and paramilitary groups against the civilian population.

According to him, the Russian side will show eyewitness accounts of these crimes and give the floor to Western journalists who work on the spot and receive relevant information first hand.

Earlier, the UN spoke about cooperation with Moscow and Kyiv in the evacuation of civilians from Azovstal.

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