Teller Report

The central bank increases the special re-lending quota of 100 billion yuan to support the clean and efficient utilization of coal

5/4/2022, 7:41:18 AM

Zhongxin Finance, May 4. The central bank issued a document on the 4th saying that, with the approval of the State Council, the People's Bank of China increased the special re-loan quota of 100 billion yuan to support the clean and efficient utilization of coal, which is specially used to support the development and use of coal and enhance the capacity of coal reserves.   According to the centr

  Zhongxin Finance, May 4. The central bank issued a document on the 4th saying that, with the approval of the State Council, the People's Bank of China increased the special re-loan quota of 100 billion yuan to support the clean and efficient utilization of coal, which is specially used to support the development and use of coal and enhance the capacity of coal reserves.

  According to the central bank, the areas of new quota support include safe coal production and reserves, as well as coal power companies' guaranteed supply of thermal coal.

After the increase of 100 billion yuan, the total amount of special re-loans to support the clean and efficient utilization of coal will reach 300 billion yuan, which will help to further release advanced coal production capacity, ensure safe and stable energy supply, and support economic operation within a reasonable range.

  The relevant person in charge of the central bank said when answering a reporter's question about the increase of 100 billion yuan to support the clean and efficient use of coal in the special re-lending quota, saying that the current world situation is complex and evolving, and international energy prices continue to fluctuate at a high level, which will bring greater harm to my country's energy security and stable economic operation. Certainty and challenge.

  "According to the deployment of the State Council, the People's Bank of China has increased the special re-loan quota of 100 billion yuan this time, which is specially used to support the development and use of coal and enhance the capacity of coal reserves, which is conducive to giving full play to the resource endowment characteristics of my country's rich coal, ensuring stable energy supply and supporting industries The supply chain is stable and supports the economic operation within a reasonable range." the person in charge said.

  What are the specific areas of support for the new 100 billion yuan quota?

The person in charge introduced that the increased special re-loan quota of 100 billion yuan this time is dedicated to the fields related to the development and use of coal and the enhancement of coal reserve capacity. The specific support areas include: First, the field of coal safety production and reserve.

Including modern coal mine construction, green and efficient technology application, intelligent mine construction, coal mine safety transformation, coal washing, coal reserve capacity building and other projects.

The second is the field of coal power supply guarantee for coal power enterprises.

  "Financial institutions should give priority to supporting project loans for the safe production and reserve of coal. In the field of guaranteed coal supply for coal power companies, the working capital loans issued by financial institutions for coal power companies to purchase coal can apply for special re-loan support as required." people added.

  How to implement the 100 billion yuan special re-loan quota?

The person in charge said that the special re-loan adopts a direct mechanism of "first loan and then borrowing", and is issued on a monthly basis.

Financial institutions make their own decisions and bear their own risks to grant preferential loans to projects that meet the standards within the scope of support. The loan interest rate is roughly the same as the market quotation rate of the same-term and grade loan announced at the time of issuance, and the loan interest rate can be adjusted according to the corporate credit status.

For eligible loans, the People's Bank of China will provide special re-lending funds in the same amount as the loan principal.


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