Teller Report

Why is the issue of abortion inflaming the United States?

5/3/2022, 6:59:10 PM

A Supreme Court project, unveiled by the media Politico, plans to reconsider the right to abortion in the United States, yet acquired in 1973. A revelation which revives the debate in the first world power, where progressives and conservatives are torn on the issue.

Zoé Pallier, edited by Juline Garnier 8:55 p.m., May 03, 2022

A Supreme Court project, unveiled by the media Politico, plans to reconsider the right to abortion in the United States, yet acquired in 1973. A revelation which revives the debate in the first world power, where progressives and conservatives are torn on the issue.

As surprising as it may seem, in 2022 the battle for the right to abortion is reignited in the United States.

It all started with an incredible leak revealed by the American media Politico.

A Supreme Court project plans to reverse a right acquired in 1973, almost 50 years ago.

Concretely, this means that each American state could legislate on abortion as it sees fit.

For Jean-Éric Branaa, lecturer at the University of Paris II and specialist in the United States, this project clearly shows the division of American society.

"On one side you have the progressives who are the democrats because democrats and progressives today are the same thing, and another conservative population. In each camp, there are cries of dread of one side to denounce this opinion which risks becoming a firm decision. And on the other to denounce that there is a leak and have prevented the judges from doing their job calmly, "explains the specialist.

"A real earthquake"

The political reactions were very strong in the United States.

"It's a real earthquake, it must be understood, since this decision calls into question the right to privacy. And with that, it's a whole set of the very foundations of American society or the decisions that have been taken since, which are themselves called into question", adds Jean-Éric Branaa.

Also in the Conservatives' crosshairs, it's not just abortion, but also gay marriage.


 Anti-abortion law in Texas: Joe Biden furious against the Supreme Court

Earlier on Tuesday, President Joe Biden asked Americans to defend abortion at the polls in the upcoming midterm elections in November.

The Supreme Court, for its part, confirms the authenticity of the internal document, but assures that it does not represent the final decision of the court.

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