Teller Report

What to eat during the "May Day" holiday? it's on fire again

5/3/2022, 1:17:42 PM

Zhongxin Finance, May 3 (Zuo Yuqing) In order to reduce the risk of the spread of the epidemic, during the "May Day" holiday (May 1 to 4), Beijing catering business units will suspend dine-in and switch to takeaway services.   When the pause button is pressed for dine-in, can takeaways hold up half the sky in the catering industry? Can people's food and beverage consumption needs be met? Incre

  Zhongxin Finance, May 3 (Zuo Yuqing) In order to reduce the risk of the spread of the epidemic, during the "May Day" holiday (May 1 to 4), Beijing catering business units will suspend dine-in and switch to takeaway services.

  When the pause button is pressed for dine-in, can takeaways hold up half the sky in the catering industry?

Can people's food and beverage consumption needs be met?

Increase in take-out at restaurants

  On the evening of May 2, Zhongxin Finance came to a large shopping mall.

Although Beijing canceled dine-in during the May Day holiday, most restaurants are still open.

  What is different from usual is that many restaurants have put away the tables and chairs in the store, and sealed the entrance of the store with a table with a health code and packaged takeaway.

Takeaway food waiting to be picked up at the door of a restaurant.

Photo by Zuo Yuqing

  Zhongxin Finance noticed that there are not only takeaway brothers but also many ordinary consumers shuttled between restaurants.

At the entrance of a restaurant, several consumers were waiting for the clerk to call for takeaway food.

  "Some people don't usually cook at home, but at this time they will come out to pack meals and go home." A clerk told Zhongxin Finance that during the "May 1" holiday, the number of takeaways and takeaways in the store increased.

Takeaway orders soar

  "It feels similar to the usual order volume, and there is no pressure to deliver the order." Several delivery guys told Zhongxin Finance and Economics.

This is due to the overall deployment of the number of riders by the e-commerce platform during the holiday.

  Some takeaway platforms said that due to the suspension of dine-in meals, orders during peak dining periods in Beijing will be relatively more concentrated, and orders for takeaways and supermarkets will rise sharply, and they have actively coordinated with catering merchants to prepare sufficient stocking and packaging and delivery personnel in advance.

  Data shows that on May 1, food delivery orders on the and Meituan platforms both increased by 30%.

A clerk is sorting out takeaway bags.

Photo by Zuo Yuqing

  According to's estimates, the suspension of dine-in may bring new orders for catering merchants on the platform that exceed 50% of the usual order volume.

  At the same time, in response to the short-term increase in the demand for online merchants, a number of food delivery platforms have opened green channels for catering merchants to go online in Beijing. Qualified merchants can complete online and manual review within 1 hour.

  A takeaway platform said that on May 1, 473 catering merchants in its platform in Beijing applied for online takeout through the green channel, and the number of new merchants online in the green channel increased by 338% compared with the previous day.

Pre-made dishes are holiday favorites again

  Pre-made dishes, which are popular during the Spring Festival, are still favored by consumers during the "May Day" holiday.

  "Because of the epidemic holiday, I don't go out very much. I have nothing to do at home. It is better to do something myself when ordering takeout." A consumer told Zhongxin Finance and Economics.

  Data shows that during the "May 1st" period, the transaction value of pre-made vegetables in an e-commerce platform supermarket increased by more than 160% year-on-year, and the number of daily warehouses exceeded one million.

Among them, the transaction value of pre-made vegetables in Beijing increased by more than 200% year-on-year. Pickled fish, pepper pork belly chicken, low-temperature luncheon meat, Dongpo elbow, and beef bone are the most popular among consumers.

Data map: Pre-made vegetables sold in a supermarket.

Photo by Tang Xiaopei

  The relevant person in charge of Jingdong Supermarket said: "The stocking days of related categories have increased by 20 days, and the supply of pre-made vegetables is stable and sufficient, which can meet the needs of consumers in Beijing."

  In Hema supermarkets, semi-finished products are also very popular, and some classic Kuaishou dishes are still the first choice of consumers.

"Sweet and sour pork loin, boiled meat slices, etc. have increased significantly. Young people prefer grilled fish, crayfish and other Internet celebrity products that stimulate their taste buds." Hema staff said that in Beijing, Kung Pao Chicken is still unshakable. The sales "champion" of prepared dishes.

  According to CCTV Finance and Economics, the person in charge of a fresh food e-commerce company in Beijing said that in response to the needs of household customers, it has increased the category of pre-made vegetables, and it is expected that the supply will increase by nearly 10 times during the "May 1st" period.


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