Teller Report

Tinkov said he would take the brands Tinkoff and La Datcha from Russia

5/3/2022, 2:17:07 PM

Businessman Oleg Tinkov announced his intention to withdraw the brands Tinkoff and La Datcha from Russia.

“Goodbye Tinkoff Bank, goodbye Russia... I'm taking Tinkoff and La Datcha brands out of the country.

They belong to my family,” he wrote on his Instagram page*.

Earlier, the businessman criticized the special operation in Ukraine on his page on the social network.

Tinkoff Bank declined to comment on the statement, calling the businessman's words a "personal opinion."

On April 22, Tinkoff Bank announced plans to rebrand and abandon the old brand in 2022.

Later, Interros acquired a 35% stake in the Tinkoff group, the deal was approved by the Central Bank.

* Meta product, activity recognized as extremist, banned in Russia by decision of the Tverskoy Court of Moscow dated 03/21/2022.