Teller Report

Minjiang Estuary Wetland Museum meets high technology: immersive experience of ecological beauty-China News Network Video

5/2/2022, 2:10:30 PM

Fujian Minjiang Estuary National Wetland Park is located in Changle District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. There are 7 types of wetlands including estuary waters, intertidal beaches, and mangrove swamps. It is an important wintering place for migratory birds and a habitat for many rare and endangered bird species. After the third round of upgrading and renovation, the Minjiang Estuary Wetland M

  Fujian Minjiang Estuary National Wetland Park is located in Changle District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. There are 7 types of wetlands including estuary waters, intertidal beaches, and mangrove swamps. It is an important wintering place for migratory birds and a habitat for many rare and endangered bird species.

After the third round of upgrading and renovation, the Minjiang Estuary Wetland Museum has incorporated advanced multimedia technologies such as transparent digital screens, super U-shaped screens, naked-eye 3D large screens, and sunken global digital sand tables to bring visitors an immersive experience. to promote the ecological concept to the public.

(Wu Shengwei Yu Jianwei)

Responsible editor: [Fang Jialiang]