Teller Report

LKA determined: Man dies after police check in Mannheim

5/2/2022, 6:46:55 PM

On Monday, a 47-year-old man collapsed and died in Mannheim after a police check. The exact circumstances are still unclear. The State Criminal Police Office has started the investigation.

A man died after a police check in Mannheim.

His body was confiscated for further investigations, as announced by the Mannheim public prosecutor and the Baden-Württemberg State Criminal Police Office (LKA) in Stuttgart.

According to the information, two officers checked the 47-year-old on Monday around noon near the market square.

He defended himself against the control and was then overpowered by the police officers.

Suddenly the man collapsed and had to be revived.

He died in the hospital.

Not too many details were initially available about exactly what happened.

According to the authorities, a doctor from the Central Institute for Mental Health in Mannheim had informed the police about the 47-year-old patient.

This one needs help.

The two officers and the doctor then went in search of the man until they discovered him in the city center.

State Criminal Police Office takes over investigations

During the control, the officials used direct force, it said.

The public prosecutor's office and the State Criminal Police Office did not give details.

An LKA spokesman could not initially be reached for questions.

According to initial findings, it was unclear why the man suddenly collapsed.

The officers and the doctor immediately started first aid.

"Rescue workers who were summoned took care of the unconscious person and took him to the University Clinic in Mannheim," it said.

The LKA has taken over the investigations - in particular the course of the police operation.

It was initially unclear when further findings could be expected.

The LKA Baden-Württemberg accepts witness information on 0800-503 503 533.

Videos can be submitted via the police information portal.