Teller Report

Flowers for Kamila Valiyeva: Putin's truth

4/30/2022, 7:03:46 PM

The investigation into the doping case of figure skater Kamila Valiyeva is still pending. But Vladimir Putin has long known the result: it is impossible to achieve such perfection dishonestly.

Children's birthday party in the Kremlin.

The war and householder had once again thought.

Large crowd of athletes at Vladimir Putin, patriotic award and patriotic outcry for successful winter athletes in Beijing.

And for less successful ones.

Because birthday child Kamila Valiewa was also allowed to pick up her reward from Vladimir Putin on Tuesday.

For the 16th anniversary of the figure skater, how fitting, there was something for the heart.

The trimetazidine test and the drama that followed stood in the way of the expected successes in Beijing.

But now: flowers and the Russian double-headed eagle pinned in the right place, directly above the heart.

What are you saying?

"Thank you, Mr. President, "for loving the sport."

Was anything else?

Oh yes, the trimetazidine.

The Russian, well, anti-doping authorities would have to finally deal with Valiyeva.



Very easily.

Such perfection is impossible to achieve dishonestly.

Says Putin.

And so back to the war.