Teller Report

Shanghai adds centralized isolation point - Xinhua

4/28/2022, 1:33:52 PM

On April 28, aerial photography was taken at the centralized isolation point of Sitang Basketball Park in Baoshan District, Shanghai. Recently, Shanghai has added centralized isolation points in various ways. (UAV photo) Photo by China News Agency reporter Yin Liqin Release time: 2022-04-28 19:31:41 【Editor: Li Peiyun】

On April 28, aerial photography was taken at the centralized isolation point of Sitang Basketball Park in Baoshan District, Shanghai.

Recently, Shanghai has added centralized isolation points in various ways.

(UAV photo) Photo by China News Agency reporter Yin Liqin

Release time: 2022-04-28 19:31:41 【Editor: Li Peiyun】

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