Teller Report

INTEGRALE - Europe Evening Weekend "Special War in Ukraine" from 04/22/2022

4/22/2022, 6:24:43 PM

Find all of "Europe Soir Week-end" with Pierre De Vilno and  its guests, on Europe 1.

Pierre de Vilno SEASON 2021 - 202220h17, April 22, 2022

Find the entirety of "Europe Soir Week-end" with Pierre De Vilno and his guests, on Europe 1.


Anastasiya Shapochkina

, Lecturer in geopolitics at Sciences Po and specialist in Russia


 General François Chauvancy

, Consultant in geopolitics

General Christophe Gomart

, Former Director of Military Intelligence


 François Heisbourg

, Advisor to the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS), author of the book Retour de la guerre (Editions Odile Jacob, 2021)

William Molinié

, Europe 1 reporter back from Ukraine

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