Teller Report

Presidential: useful vote, abstention ... These French undecided before the first round

4/8/2022, 6:07:14 PM

Two days before the first round of the presidential election, many French people do not yet know who to vote for. They would be 30% to be undecided and potentially abstentionists. Among them, many young people whom Europe 1 went to meet in Seine-Saint-Denis.

Nina Droff, edited by Gauthier Delomez 7:57 p.m., April 08, 2022

Two days before the first round of the presidential election, many French people do not yet know who to vote for.

They would be 30% to be undecided and potentially abstentionists.

Among them, many young people whom Europe 1 went to meet in Seine-Saint-Denis.


Who to vote for on Sunday evening?

Should I abstain?

Nearly 30% of French people ask themselves these questions two days before the first round of the presidential election, as in Seine-Saint-Denis where many young people are still hesitant.

Europe 1 met some of them, including Eddy and Jules, both 20 years old.

They do not know if they will go to their polling station on Sunday.

"I hesitate between either voting white or not voting at all. My parents will still tell me to go vote, so I think I will vote white", explains the first.

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Eddy believes that he does not "yet have enough maturity" to ask himself "who is better able to lead France".

Jules is also hesitant to go vote.

"There is no candidate who suits me. I will look in the polls to see who is in the lead," he said.

Vote useful or for your convictions?

For others, the dilemma is above all to know for whom to slip a ballot into the ballot box.

This is the case of Maya, who still has questions.

"As for many, I think that I have not yet made my choice because I have convictions. But between voting according to what I believe and voting useful, I do not really know what I will do", underlines she at the microphone of Europe 1. "I'm going to take a little more time to inform myself well, watch the polls to make my decision before going to vote", adds Maya, for whom one thing is certain: she will not vote blank because the stakes are too high in her opinion.


- Presidential: which candidates can attract the most undecided voters?

The electorate of undecided and potentially abstentionist French people attracts the greed of the various candidates.

He can tip the first round, which remains very uncertain according to the latest polls.

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