Teller Report

Zelensky: Any settlement with Russia will be put to a referendum in Ukraine

3/21/2022, 8:05:55 PM

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said, on Monday, during an interview with a Ukrainian public media, that any "settlement" in the framework of negotiations with Russia to end the conflict would be submitted to a popular referendum in Ukraine.

Zelensky: Any settlement with Russia will be put to a referendum in Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Monday, during an interview with a Ukrainian public media, that any "settlement" in the framework of negotiations with Russia to end the conflict would be submitted to a popular referendum in Ukraine.

"I explained to all the negotiating groups: When you talk about all these changes (which will be included in a possible agreement) and may be historic (...) we will submit them to a referendum," he confirmed to the Sospilne news website.

Ukraine's presidential adviser, Mikhailo Podolyak, had said that negotiations with the Russians were complicated.

He added, "The positions of the two sides are different. For us, the pivotal issues cannot be touched."

Earlier, Zelensky indicated that Jerusalem could be the "appropriate place to find peace", in reference to the negotiations he had called for with Russia.

Officials said that heavy fighting over the weekend spread to all neighborhoods in the city.

The battles raged at a time when Moscow is trying to "achieve its first strategic victory" since the invasion, with its progress still halting in most other cities and regions.

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