Teller Report

Words that Senichi Hoshino conveyed in the disaster area (Part 2)

3/17/2022, 9:28:32 PM

[NHK] It has been six years since Senichi Hoshino, a warlord, visited the Yuriage district of Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture, in the disaster area. At that time, I talked to the people who met Mr. Hoshino again.

Words from Senichi Hoshino in the disaster area (Part 2) March 18, 6:22

Senichi Hoshino visited the Yuriage district of Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture six years ago.

At that time, he met Mr. Hoshino, and what are the people who have spoken to him now?

I headed to Mt. Hiwa, where Mr. Hoshino first visited.

Mt. Hiwa is a hill that rises in the Yuriage district with flat terrain, and you can overlook the district.

I met Yuko Tanno, who continues the storyteller here.

Reunion with storyteller Yuko Tanno who made the warlord cry

Yuko Tanno

"The aunt who made the warlord Hoshino cry" was said to me by people around me, so it was hard.

But she didn't make her cry, she cried on her own.

Yuko Tanno welcomed me with the same smile as 6 years ago.

She remains in Yuriage after her eldest son, who was in the first year of junior high school, died in the tsunami, and she continues to work as a storyteller in the disaster.

For Mr. Tanno, the encounter with Mr. Hoshino that day was unforgettable.

When she talked about her late son, she suddenly showed tears from Mr. Hoshino.

She says she was impressed by her personality.

Mr. Tanno

, Senichi Hoshino, didn't always have the impression that he was straight and shed tears, so I realized once again that he was a really hot and gentle person when he shed large tears.

In contrast to Mr. Tanno, who feels the same as six years ago, the scenery seen from Mt. Hiwa has changed dramatically.

Public housing and condominiums were built in places where construction vehicles were coming and going due to the raising work, and a new town was completed.

As the city revived and the tsunami scars disappeared from sight and memory, he taught me the meaning of continuing to convey as a storyteller.

Mr. Tanno

Now that the city has become beautiful, I would like to continue to talk about invisible things as to why such a beautiful city had to be created.

I can't help my son, and I think it's my role to live now.

"From heaven to Furusato" -Mr. Hoshino's words spelled out on balloons

This time, Mr. Tanno started talking about an episode of Mr. Hoshino that I didn't know about.

In the Yuriage area, "Hato balloons" are being flown toward those who died on March 11.

Six years ago that day, while I was busy setting up my next interview, Mr. Tanno quickly asked Mr. Hoshino for a message.

Mr. Hoshino who was willing to respond.

I wrote "Furusato from heaven!" On the balloon with red magic.

From these words, Mr. Tanno is said to have noticed another role that balloons have.

Mr. Tanno

Until then, it seemed that we were unilaterally delivering thoughts to those who died, but I told Mr. Hoshino again that he would be concerned about us and his hometown. I was able to do it.

March 11th of the 11th year.

Approximately 350 people, including Mr. Tanno's bereaved family, gathered in Yuriage to fly the balloons.

Mr. Tanno wrote to his son, who would have been an old man if he was alive, "Because it's on the equinoctial week, come back with your friends."

After a silent prayer at 2:46 pm, 311 Hato balloons, each carrying their own words, were thrown into the sky all at once.

It's that time.

The wind from the sea, which had been blowing strongly until just before, suddenly subsided as if it was timed.

The balloon flew straight toward the heavens.

"It's the first time I've soared so slowly and slowly"

Mr. Tanno shed tears at the balloons disappearing in the sky above Yuriage and watched them forever.

Did Mr. Hoshino also see this balloon?

The general of the sushi restaurant who received the "dream" colored paper

Next, I visited the sushi restaurant that Mr. Hoshino visited for lunch.

Since the store was lost due to the tsunami, it was still operating in the temporary shopping district at that time.

At that time, the owner, Mr. Koetsu Hisa, and his wife, Saint, who had told Mr. Hoshino that he wanted to rebuild the store in the original Yuriage, were rebuilding the store that he had longed for three years ago.

The "dream" shikishi presented by Mr. Hoshino was displayed at the highest point of the store.

If I hadn't met Mr. Koetsu Hisa and Mr.

Hoshino, I might have given up on rebuilding the store.

It was such a big encounter for me.

Six years before Mr. Hoshino visited, Mr. Hisa was wondering whether to return to Yuriage and rebuild the store or give up before the 60th birthday.

It is said that it was Mr. Hoshino who supported the decision.

Mr. Hisa

I'm worried every day, and at that time I got a colored paper of "Dream" from Mr. Hoshino, and I can't go back anymore.

At that time, I decided to rebuild the store that I had dreamed of.

Three years ago, we rebuilt the store in a corner of the Yuriage district, which is undergoing redevelopment.

The famous ark shell bowl that Mr. Hoshino has eaten is gaining popularity as a specialty of the restaurant.

"I wanted Mr. Hoshino to come to this restaurant and eat Yuriage's ark shell again,"

said Mr. Hisa, who muttered during the interview.

I wasn't able to meet Mr. Hoshino again, but he told me that I had a new dream.

Mr. Hisa

My dream now is to bring back the bustle of Yuriage and have many people come to the store.

I hope Mr. Hoshino can be proud to say, "I'm still working hard toward my dreams."

Cameraman's recollection

Six years ago, Kohei Ogawa, a cameraman who accompanied Mr. Hoshino with me, had an unforgettable scene.

This is a scene where Mr. Hoshino visited the Yuriage Yankees, a youth baseball team practicing on the ground of Yuriage Elementary School, which was severely damaged by the tsunami.

The gentle expression that Mr. Hoshino, who was seemingly scared, showed to the children left a strong impression on me.

Three years after the earthquake, Ogawa photographer was interviewing the children of "Yuriage Yankees" in a special project that he made for the first time as a newcomer in the first year of joining the station.

This connection led to the realization of interaction between Mr. Hoshino and the children.

Ogawa Photographer

At first, I followed them from the maintenance of the ground where debris and broken glass were scattered, so I was deeply moved to see Mr. Hoshino watching over the practice at that place.

I can't forget the smiles of the children when Mr. Hoshino said, "Please join Rakuten in the future."

What are the children of the Yuriage Yankees doing now?

We headed to them.

The boy of that day who continued to endure

That day, Daishi Izumo, a fourth grader who was smiling next to Mr. Hoshino, was in the first grade of high school.

He was quite tall, but he had a vestige in his eyes when he laughed.

At that time, Mr. Taishi, who was in the Yuriage Yankees directed by his father Takashi, with his sister Chihiro.

He vividly remembered the interaction with Mr. Hoshino six years ago.

Daishi Izumo

I was surprised because I hadn't heard anything.

He was a little nervous at first because he had a scary image of scolding the players, but he was very kind and had an aura.

It is said that Mr. Izumo has always cherished the words spoken by Mr. Hoshino.

Mr. Izumo

If you do it desperately, if you do it hard, a miracle will surely occur.

That's why he told me that he would endure it.

Mr. Hoshino's words reached Mr. Izumo's heart.

It's been 6 years since that sudden encounter.

During this time, I learned that it was a series of adversities for Mr. Taishi.

As the reconstruction progressed, many people left Yuriage, so the members did not gather and the Yuriage Yankees, to which Mr. Izumo belonged, was disbanded one year after Mr. Hoshino visited.

In addition, Yuriage Elementary School, which was a practice base, was demolished.

As the team and the ground disappeared, and the friends who chased the white ball both stopped playing baseball, Mr. Izumo continued to play baseball without giving up and joined the baseball club in high school.

The spread of the new coronavirus that attacked there.

Club activities were often suspended, and the days of independent practice continued.

It is said that he was about to give up baseball, but each time he revealed that the words spoken to Mr. Hoshino helped him with the encouragement of his friends and family.


I feel that I have to put up with how to maintain my motivation in a situation where I can only practice independently at Corona.

However, if you do your best in this difficult time, you will go to the next game, and I really think that Mr. Hoshino's words that miracles will surely occur.

March 12th, when the period of self-restraint from club activities of public schools in Miyagi prefecture was opened.

On the high school ground, Izumo-san was chasing a white ball under a clear blue sky.

Mr. Izumo is working on the whole practice for the first time in about a month and a half.

There were occasions when I couldn't get the ball in my hands during the actual battle practice after a long time, but I was impressed by the smile of playing more happily.

The prefectural Natori Kita High School, where Taishi attends, is also the alma mater of pitcher Takayuki Kishi, who is active in professional baseball and Rakuten, although he does not participate in Koshien.

The team is aiming for the best 8 to get the seed right for the summer tournament at the spring prefectural tournament, which is about a month later.

When the practice was over, I talked to Mr. Taishi.

Mr. Taishi looked straight ahead and answered in a clear tone.

"The miracle I want to accomplish is to go to Koshien."

Supported by Mr. Hoshino's words, Mr. Taishi has endured various adversities.

Yes, as Mr. Hoshino said, a miracle will surely happen.

I couldn't help feeling convinced for some reason.

"Let's endure" The answer we arrived at

For the first time in six years, while visiting the people who met Mr. Hoshino again, I came up with the answer to the question that remained in my heart.

Each of them had a certain courage from Mr. Hoshino's words, endured adversity, and some people were able to fulfill their dreams, while others were trying to fulfill their dreams.

The word "let's endure" was not just a matter of patience, but an ale of Mr. Hoshino's way to find a chance, prepare himself, and one day seize a "miracle."

(Network News Department Yuki Matsumoto Kumamoto Broadcasting Station Kohei Ogawa)

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