Teller Report

"I will do better" refusal to resign as commissioner of the National Election Commission... Email sent to staff

3/17/2022, 11:36:12 PM

During the presidential election, Roh Jung-hee, chairman of the National Election Commission, who was held responsible for poorly managing the early voting for corona confirmed patients, virtually rejected the resignation request. He said he would better manage local elections in June, but pressure to resign is mounting.


Roh Jung-hee, chairman of the National Election Commission, who was held responsible for poorly managing early voting for corona confirmed patients during the presidential election, virtually rejected the resignation request.

He said he would better manage local elections in June, but pressure to resign is mounting.

Reporter Kang Cheong-wan reports.


A plenary meeting of the National Election Commission was held to deal with the resignation of Secretary-General Kim Se-hwan, who resigned to take responsibility for the management of poor advance voting.

I asked Roh Jeong-hee, chairman of the National Election Commission, who was leaving the office after the meeting, about his resignation, but Chairman Roh did not answer.

[Noh Jeong-hee, chairman of the National Election Commission: (Did you arrange your position on the statement of purpose (request)?) …


A member of the National Election Commission, who attended the meeting, said in a phone call with SBS that Chairman Roh spoke with the intent of "I will do better in the future" without mentioning the future.

After the meeting, Chairman Roh sent an e-mail to the Election Commission staff, saying, "I will not shirk responsibility," but "It is rather fulfilling my responsibilities as chairman to be cautious as chairman to prepare and manage the upcoming local elections without wavering." .

The demand for resignation was dismissed on the grounds of local election management, but the pressure on Chairman Roh is growing.

Standing members of the city and provincial election commissions across the country issued an unprecedented statement requesting the chairman to express his intentions, and the Korean Bar Association also called for his immediate resignation.

Former Supreme Councilor Lee Dong-hak of the Democratic Party said that this could not be a simple mistake and told Chairman Roh to step down, and the people's power pressured him to resign along with the chairman.

[Kim Ki-hyeon/People's Power Floor Leader: Chairman Roh will no longer be blatantly enduring, but voluntarily resigning will be the minimum morality for the organization and the people.

] By shifting the responsibility to the secretary-general, it is being pushed to pardon.

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