Teller Report

Women's curling gold medal match: Japan vs. England - Xinhua

2/20/2022, 12:12:36 PM

On February 20, the women's curling gold medal match at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was held at the "Ice Cube" of the Beijing National Aquatics Center. The Japanese team played against the British team. The picture shows the Japanese team player Yoshida Chinami (middle) in the game. Photo by China News Agency reporter Li Jun Release time: 2022-02-20 13:20:15 【Editor: Wang Yi】

On February 20, the women's curling gold medal match at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was held at the "Ice Cube" of the Beijing National Aquatics Center. The Japanese team played against the British team.

The picture shows the Japanese team player Yoshida Chinami (middle) in the game.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Li Jun

Release time: 2022-02-20 13:20:15 【Editor: Wang Yi】

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