Teller Report

SHL's top scorer: "I was going to retire"

2/10/2022, 6:20:10 PM

Leksand's Canadian Max Veronneau tops the SHL's shooter with 23 goals this season. But the road to success has been anything but straight. - I was going to quit ice hockey, he says in "Hockey night".

26-year-old Max Veronneau eventually made it all the way to the NHL, but there were many trials along the way.

- I have been poked by many teams while growing up.

But my last year of high school, I played in the junior B-league and had a cruel season.

I was going to quit ice hockey, but luckily a talent scout came and offered me to try out, he says.

See the entire Powerbreak with Leksandsstjärnan, and all other episodes, here.

"Hockey night" is broadcast on Thursdays at 22.00 on SVT Play and 22.30 on SVT1.

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