Teller Report

Walking to the grassroots level in the Chinese New Year丨The festival is approaching, and the officers and soldiers of the Border Defense Company should not step on the "Ladder" patrol road again

1/31/2022, 2:11:32 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Urumqi, January 30 (Lu Dongfang, Wang Junqiang) The Spring Festival is approaching. At the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, the Xinjiang Aksu Army Division and Dieli Border Defense Company are still sticking to the battle position at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, responsible for nearly 100 kilometers of border defense. Defensive tasks. Recently, with the offi

  Xinhua News Agency, Urumqi, January 30 (Lu Dongfang, Wang Junqiang) The Spring Festival is approaching. At the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains, the Xinjiang Aksu Army Division and Dieli Border Defense Company are still sticking to the battle position at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, responsible for nearly 100 kilometers of border defense. Defensive tasks.

Recently, with the officers and soldiers facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, the reporter once again set foot on this patrol road.

  Under the leadership of the instructor Wu Jianfeng, the patrol team carried weapons and equipment, boarded the patrol car, and set off to the Zhongji No. 3 boundary monument at an altitude of 4,269 meters.

On the ice and snow road, the patrol car moved smoothly under the control of the driver Dong Yongtao.

In the cabin, Sergeant Lu Junbo introduced the road conditions in the defense area to the recruits who participated in the patrol for the first time: "This patrol road has a lot of rain in summer, and the road is often washed away; in winter, there is a lot of snow, and it has to go through nine bends and The ladder' and other dangerous sections can reach the point."

  It didn't take long for the thick snow to block the progress of the patrol car, and the officers and soldiers set out on foot instead.

In the knee-deep snow nest, the reporter and the officers and soldiers climbed with hands and feet for more than an hour, and finally reached the "Happiness Ladder" leading to the No. 3 boundary monument.

  "To go to the No. 3 boundary marker at the Bedeli Mountain Pass at an altitude of 4,269 meters, we must climb this 'heaven ladder' with 1,377 steps." Wu Jianfeng told reporters that the officers and soldiers called this "heaven ladder" the "Happiness Ladder". , it is not only a "warm project", but also a national defense project that stabilizes the side and strengthens the side.

"It was extremely difficult to build this 'Ladder' at that time. To reach the top of the 'Ladder', officers and soldiers had to undergo the double test of physical strength and will."

  During the climb, the increase in altitude made the oxygen thinner and thinner, and the breathing and footsteps of the officers and soldiers became significantly heavier.

When the boundary monument finally appeared in the field of vision, all the exhaustion turned into strength, everyone rushed to the boundary monument with all their strength, carefully wiped the boundary monument and painted red in the biting cold wind.

  "I wish the great motherland prosperous and prosperous! I wish the people of the whole country a happy New Year and a prosperous Year of the Tiger!" Under the leadership of Wu Jianfeng, the officers and soldiers of the patrol unit sent sincere New Year wishes to the people of the whole country.

As the sun went down, officers and soldiers built mobile "boundary monuments" with their young bodies, sang "Battle Hymn of a Strong Army", and guarded the safety and happiness of the motherland and the people.

(Video photo: Dong Xinyu, Fan Gaochen, Qiu Tianlun)