Teller Report

Tibet's Namtso Lake welcomes snowfall and the distant mountains look like cream ice cream - Teller Report Teller Report

1/30/2022, 12:28:50 PM

Namtso, one of the three "holy lakes" in Tibet, has experienced snowfall recently. The blue ice lake and the vast pastures are covered with snow. The mountains in the distance looked like creamy ice cream. The railings of the pasture embellish the outline of the grassland. Photo by Gongga Laisong Release time: 2022-01-30 20:13:41 【Editor: Li Peiyun】

Namtso, one of the three "holy lakes" in Tibet, has experienced snowfall recently.

The blue ice lake and the vast pastures are covered with snow.

The mountains in the distance looked like creamy ice cream.

The railings of the pasture embellish the outline of the grassland.

Photo by Gongga Laisong

Release time: 2022-01-30 20:13:41 【Editor: Li Peiyun】