Teller Report

Egypt: Al Sharqiya deposits the student as a victim of electronic blackmail

1/30/2022, 8:52:52 PM

The people of Awlad Saqr Center in Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, mourned the student who was the victim of electronic blackmail, to her final resting place in the family graveyard. The Egyptian newspaper, “Akhbar Al-Youm” said that the student was studying in the first grade in the commercial secondary school, and ended her life in a tragic way after she was subjected to extortion, as she was blackmailed.

Egypt: Al Sharqiya deposits the student as a victim of electronic blackmail

The residents of Awlad Saqr Center in Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, mourned the student victim of electronic blackmail, to her final resting place in the family cemetery.

The Egyptian newspaper, Akhbar Al-Youm, said that the student was studying in the first grade in the commercial secondary school, and ended her life in a tragic way after she was blackmailed, as fabricated pictures of her were circulated on social media, and the student took toxic tablets and was transferred to Awlad Saqr Central Hospital with a sharp drop in both sessions. Bloody and respiratory and severe fatigue and took her last breath in the hospital.

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