Teller Report

[Pick] Dust from the railing of the apartment is 'talent'... Protest "Rip Your Mouth"

1/26/2022, 3:09:13 AM

A story has emerged that the residents of the house upstairs are suffering from the vacuum cleaner dusting outside the railing of the hallway of the apartment. On the 24th, an article titled 'A woman emptying the dustbin of the vacuum cleaner downstairs' was posted on an online community.

A story has emerged that the residents of the house upstairs are suffering from the vacuum cleaner dusting outside the railing of the hallway of the apartment. 

On the 24th, an article titled 'A woman emptying the dustbin of the vacuum cleaner downstairs' was posted on an online community. 

Author A complained that she currently lives in an aisle apartment, and that she is suffering from Mr. B, a woman upstairs who moved in with two medium and large white balls in February 2020. 

Mr. A said, "I emptied the vacuum cleaner dust bin downstairs in the house upstairs and dusted the blankets, all clothes, rags, and shoes off the railing, and dog hair is piling up downstairs." They roll around the hallways," he said.

In the photo released by Mr. A, she was seen dusting blankets and vacuum cleaners upstairs.

Dog hair and dust were also found on the lower floor.  

Mr. A showed a photo of dog fur to the apartment management office and filed a complaint, but to no avail. According to Mr. A, Mr. B went to the management office and made a fuss saying, "Why can't I pay the management fee?" and "Everyone else smokes." Nya" and "I'll rip your mouth out," he threatened.  

Mr. A said, "Even if you go to the ward office and ask questions, tell the management office. Even if you try to report the garbage dumping, they say no because the apartment is on private land." "The management office says there is no way to help now. I don't think I ever fix the act of robbing dogs," he said, expressing his frustration. 

He continued, "The woman upstairs said that she hates me for filing complaints, so she turns more. The daughter of the house said that it was not her dog's hair, so she told me to do a genetic test." While doing this, I often confide in whether or not people pass by in the hallway downstairs.” 

Mr. A shared the facts of the damage through the resident group chat room. The apartment noise committee tried to talk to Mr. B, but he did not cooperate, such as calling his daughter and calling the police. After that, Mr. B retaliated by making noise between floors.  

Person A said, "After the police went, I hammered the floor of the whole house from the house upstairs at 10 pm. The hammering in anger continued for about an hour even though it was broadcast from the security office due to several generations of complaints." "The next night, I gave it to him, and now I run around in shoes with heels at home. The ceiling of our house is unstable."  

Finally, Mr. A concluded, "There are many other nonsensical and deliberate actions, but there is no solution. 

Netizens who came across Mr. A's story were outraged, saying, "They are really selfish people", "You have to do the same truth", and "You don't deserve to live in an apartment." 

This is a 'news pick'.

(Photo=Online Community 'Bae Dream')

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