Teller Report

Visiting the Beijing Awards Plaza for the Winter Olympics: Waiting for the "Highlight Moment" for the award-winning video

1/8/2022, 9:08:31 PM

[Beijing Winter Olympics] Visiting the Winter Olympics Beijing Awards Plaza: Waiting for the "Highlight Moment" for the winning athletes   [Explanation] Beijing Awards Plaza is located in the middle of the National Stadium "Bird's Nest" and the National Aquatics Center "Water Cube". At the Beijing Winter Olympics, the award plaza will witness the "highlights" of the winners of 32 Winter Olympic

  [Beijing Winter Olympics] Visiting the Winter Olympics Beijing Awards Plaza: Waiting for the "Highlight Moment" for the winning athletes

  [Explanation] Beijing Awards Plaza is located in the middle of the National Stadium "Bird's Nest" and the National Aquatics Center "Water Cube".

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, the award plaza will witness the "highlights" of the winners of 32 Winter Olympics events in the Beijing Division.

On January 7, a reporter from China News Agency walked into the Beijing Awards Plaza to visit the drills here.

  [Concurrent] Wei Xiaomei, Deputy Media Director of Beijing Awards Plaza Operation Team

  The awards plaza is a unique cultural feature of the Winter Olympics.

In the Summer Olympics, the awarding (ceremony) is held directly at the competition venue after the game.

At the Winter Olympics, after the game, we first held the ceremony of awarding Winter Olympics souvenirs at the venue, and then came to our dedicated Winter Olympics awards plaza to hold a grand award ceremony.

Here we congratulate the winning athletes by awarding medals, playing the national anthem and raising the national flag.

  [Explanation] The period of the Beijing Winter Olympics coincides with the Chinese Spring Festival, and reunion is the most representative festival feature of the Spring Festival.

Wei Xiaomei, deputy media director of the operation team of Beijing Awards Plaza, said that with the "snow house" as the stage shape, it has both ice and snow characteristics and the temperature of "home", reflecting the beautiful vision of the global human family of beauty and harmony.

  [Concurrent] Wei Xiaomei, Deputy Media Director of Beijing Awards Plaza Operation Team

  Our main stage is based on the shape of the "snow house", and our name is "beautiful and beautiful".

We chose to be in front of the Ice Cube because (because) we used the shape of an igloo (reflecting) the fusion of ice and snow, self-contained, showing the characteristics of ice and snow sports.

Because our Winter Olympics happens to be during the Spring Festival, there is a kind of warmth of home.

  [Explanation] The Beijing Awards Plaza (Yanqing Paralympic Awards Plaza) operation team takes into account the preparation and operation of the Beijing Winter Olympics Awards Plaza and the Winter Paralympic Games Yanqing Awards Plaza. It is the only operation team that switches between different venues during the transition period.

Facing the challenge, Wei Xiaomei said that the team will do its best to present the award ceremony perfectly.

  [Concurrent] Wei Xiaomei, Deputy Media Director of Beijing Awards Plaza Operation Team

  With less than a month to go for us, our biggest challenge is to best present our ceremony at our special venue within the context of this prescribed, established awards process.

We have to go through countless rehearsals, drills, and joint exercises, which is the biggest challenge for us.

We are ready, and we also believe that on this beautiful awards stage, we will show you a very different event at the awards plaza in Beijing.

  [Commentary] The Beijing Awards Plaza will run from February 6th to 19th for a period of 14 days.

The award ceremony of 1 to 4 projects is expected to be held every day, which will be broadcast live around the world alternately with the award ceremony in Zhangjiakou Awards Plaza.

  [Concurrent] Wei Xiaomei, Deputy Media Director of Beijing Awards Plaza Operation Team

  We welcome these outstanding athletes from all over the world to witness their "highlight moments" with us here and to celebrate the New Year with us.

  Reported by Chi Hanyu in Beijing

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]