Teller Report

Swedish success: Max Novak won after sprint drama

1/8/2022, 10:15:01 AM

Swedish success in Italian South Tyrol. Max Novak took home Saturday's 62 kilometer long race in Ski Classics after a sprint drama. - It is absolutely fantastic, he says to SVT Sport.

The long-distance race cup in the Dolomites came to a dramatic end when several skiers were involved all the way into the race.

Max Novak was the strongest there, despite the fact that he was involved and pulled during large parts of the race.

- I have been right there, but not pulled all the way.

You began to doubt yourself.

After this summer, I felt I had to take the plunge.

It is such a relief to just take the victory, says Novak after the victory.

Second was Oskar Kardin.

"Not optimal"

Max Novak was second after the solid climb before it turned down the valley, and then showed forehead when he managed all the way and took his first long-distance victory of the season.

- I had such anxiety the last kilometer when I pulled so much.

It was not optimal, but it was enough, says the 25-year-old.

Emil Persson, who won the premiere in Orsa

The article is updated.