Teller Report

In 2021, why the price of new houses in Xuzhou has the highest increase in the country? -China News Network Video

1/7/2022, 2:37:30 AM

Since the end of last year, house prices have generally fallen. However, the cumulative increase in housing prices in some cities is still relatively high. According to statistics from the Zhongzhi Research Institute, in 2021, Xuzhou’s cumulative new house price increase reached 9.6%, ranking first among the 100 cities in the country, followed by Xi’an, where house prices rose 9.33%. These two c

  Since the end of last year, house prices have generally fallen.

However, the cumulative increase in housing prices in some cities is still relatively high.

According to statistics from the Zhongzhi Research Institute, in 2021, Xuzhou’s cumulative new house price increase reached 9.6%, ranking first among the 100 cities in the country, followed by Xi’an, where house prices rose 9.33%.

These two cities are also the cities with the largest increase in new housing in this round of real estate upswing in more than six years.

Why Xuzhou?

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]

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