Teller Report

"We do what we can": laboratories overwhelmed by the proliferation of tests

1/5/2022, 7:19:05 PM

Faced with the circulation of the virus on the territory, laboratories and pharmacies are stormed by the French. But the wait, sometimes in the cold and the stock shortages of self-tests, annoy patients who no longer hesitate to insult the staff, overwhelmed. & Nbsp;

Melina Facchin, edited by Yanis Darras 8:15 p.m., January 05, 2022

Faced with the circulation of the virus on the territory, laboratories and pharmacies are stormed by the French.

But the wait, sometimes in the cold and the stock-outs of self-tests, annoy the patients who no longer hesitate to insult the staff, overwhelmed. 

The scene repeats itself over and over again.

Despite the cold, dozens of people are lining up outside to be tested, in front of pharmacies and laboratories in large French cities, overwhelmed by the situation.

In some establishments in Strasbourg, Lille or even Paris, it is now necessary to wait more than an hour before being able to be tested. 

"We do what we can"

"We are exhausted! We can no longer wait all the time everywhere, to be hung up on answers, to be waiting to know if we can do tests, to wait for the results ... C 'is still waiting,' says Morgane, who is patient in front of a laboratory in the center of Strasbourg.

Faced with the weariness and annoyance of some patients, the staff of laboratories and pharmacies find themselves targeted.

Insults, threats, etc ... attacks are increasing in this laboratory in the center of the capital of the Grand Est region: "In general, they insult us because they lose patience and unfortunately, we cannot go faster We are overwhelmed ", explains Virginie, a sampler, before adding:" But hey, we are doing what we can! "

Self-test stock-outs

In pharmacies, on-site testing is not the only source of conflict.

The recent out-of-stock self-tests often make some people lose patience, assures Lisa, pharmacist: "These last two to three weeks, it was out of stock. Unable to receive our orders," she underlines.

"Since we are on the front line, necessarily, we are the first affected by the aggressiveness of certain people: people who express their discontent by shouting, by insulting, it's exhausting," explains Lisa.

A new stock of self-tests arrived today in his pharmacy.

Excellent news for the pharmacist who is hoping for a little respite, despite the arrival of the new isolation protocol, which requires contact cases to be tested on the second and fourth day after meeting with an infected person.