Teller Report

A woman takes off her clothes in public for a strange reason!

1/4/2022, 5:01:12 PM

A bizarre video clip showed a woman in Argentina stripping her clothes until she was almost naked, and trying to use her clothes as a face covering instead of a muzzle in an unsuccessful attempt to enter an ice cream parlor. in matt

A woman takes off her clothes in public for a strange reason!

A bizarre video clip showed a woman in Argentina stripping her clothes until she was almost naked, and trying to use her clothes as a face covering instead of a muzzle in an unsuccessful attempt to enter an ice cream parlor.

"Don't ask for my face mask, I'm wearing it," said the woman boldly to the employees at the store in the western city of Mendoza, and a surveillance camera showed a man with his three daughters surprised by the strange sight.

The woman's attempt to enter the shop half-naked failed, as the employees refused to serve her and demanded that she leave the shop.

The New York Post reported that the woman was able to enter the store after she got dressed again and someone gave her a face mask that met the store's policies.

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