Teller Report

Eight Swedes behind much of the artificial snow at the Olympics

1/2/2022, 8:41:37 AM

No natural snow in China. Then eight Swedes are behind much of the artificial snow at the Olympics. - It is not an advantage to have natural snow, says Erik Hansson to SVT Sport.

For the third year in a row, Erik Hansson and his team of snow plows have camped a bit off the alpine Olympic slopes in Yanqing.

And now it is not long until it is time for the inauguration.

It's about centimeters and degrees for Hansson and the group which consists of 14 Croatian, Spanish and Austrian snow plows.

Together, they will ensure that everything is perfect on the slopes, and at the same time train Chinese colleagues for the future.

The cold and the wind must keep the snow plows in mind - it must not get too cold, and it must not blow too much.

"Not an advantage with natural snow"

Isn't it sick to put the Olympics in a place where there is no natural snow?

- It does not matter.

If you were to host the Olympics in Canada, where there is as much natural snow as you like, you can not race on it.

You can not use that snow.

At home in Sweden, we have learned to handle that situation with problem solving of snowfall and things like that.

It is not an advantage to only have natural snow, says Hansson.

Now it is not far off and it is only the quality that will be improved before the upcoming games.

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