Teller Report

Director of the Energy Development Fund commented on the decline in gas prices in Europe

12/31/2021, 12:59:02 PM

Director of the Energy Development Fund Sergei Pikin commented in an interview with RT on the decline in gas prices in Europe below $ 900 per 1,000 cubic meters. m.

“The main reason is that the temperature has increased in Europe.

Second, the tankers came with liquefied gas, ”the analyst said.

In his opinion, this issue is still not being resolved systematically.

“Since September, the level of $ 1,000 is considered normal. The fluctuation of plus or minus $ 200.

The situation has softened a little.

But even $ 900 is still very expensive.

Let's remember last winter, when $ 350 was considered a rather high price, ”Pikin said.

Earlier it became known that the price of gas in Europe for the first time since November fell below $ 900 per 1,000 cubic meters.


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