Teller Report

Chinese athletes won 67 world championships and set 12 world records in 2021

12/31/2021, 8:06:08 AM

China News Service, Beijing, December 31. The Department of Competitive Sports of the State General Administration of Sport of China released a report on the achievements of Chinese athletes in 2021 on the 31st. The report shows that in 2021, Chinese athletes won 67 world championships in 16 events, and 8 players and 4 teams set 12 world records.   According to the report, in 2021, Chinese athl

  China News Service, Beijing, December 31. The Department of Competitive Sports of the State General Administration of Sport of China released a report on the achievements of Chinese athletes in 2021 on the 31st.

The report shows that in 2021, Chinese athletes won 67 world championships in 16 events, and 8 players and 4 teams set 12 world records.

  According to the report, in 2021, Chinese athletes have overcome the severe challenges brought by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, trained scientifically, worked hard, and achieved both sports performance and spiritual civilization in major international competitions such as the Tokyo Olympics.

Data map: On July 23, 2021, the opening ceremony of the 32nd Summer Olympic Games was held at the New National Stadium in Tokyo, Japan.

The picture shows the entrance of the Chinese sports delegation.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Han Haidan

  According to the report, in 2021 Chinese athletes won 67 world championships in 16 events, namely: 7 swimming, 9 diving, 2 track and field, 5 badminton, 1 kayaking, 1 track cycling, 1 fencing, 8 gymnastics, 3 trampolines, 1 rowing, 1 sailing (windsurfing), 6 shooting, 8 table tennis, 7 weightlifting, 2 freestyle skiing, and 5 web swimming. There are 54 world champions in Olympic events and 13 world champions in non-Olympic events.

  Swimming, track and field, track cycling, shooting, weightlifting, fin swimming, 8 people and 4 teams set 12 world records on 12 occasions. Among them, 5 people and 3 teams set 8 world records for 8 times in Olympic events, and 3 people and 1 team in non-Olympic events 4 times. Set 4 world records.

  Since the founding of New China, Chinese athletes have won 3655 world championships, setting a world record of 1363 times.

Since the reform and opening up, Chinese athletes have won 3,631 world championships, setting a world record of 1,189 times.


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