Teller Report

Tinder for the Beijing Winter Olympics enters Beijing Expo

12/30/2021, 1:04:29 AM

【Beijing Winter Olympics】Beijing Winter Olympics Tinder enters Beijing Expo Park   On December 29th, the Tinder Show for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was held in Beijing Expo Park.   Gu Haoning, deputy director of the Market Development Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, expressed that he hopes that through the fire display activities, more people can get close

  【Beijing Winter Olympics】Beijing Winter Olympics Tinder enters Beijing Expo Park

  On December 29th, the Tinder Show for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was held in Beijing Expo Park.

  Gu Haoning, deputy director of the Market Development Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, expressed that he hopes that through the fire display activities, more people can get close to the winter Olympic fire, and use the Winter Olympics platform to gather forces from all walks of life to jointly spread the voice of China and tell the Chinese story. Share Chinese experience.

(Reporter Chen Hang produces Wu Rui)

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】

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