Teller Report

Some current and former executives of Hong Kong's "Stance News" were arrested on suspicion of conspiring to publish seditious

12/30/2021, 1:10:21 PM

[Explanation] The National Security Division of the Police Force of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, on December 29, launched a search operation against Internet media "Stance News" and others, and arrested 7 people for conspiracy to publish seditious publications. According to Hong Kong media reports, those arrested included Hong Kong artist and former director of "Stance

  [Explanation] The National Security Division of the Police Force of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, on December 29, launched a search operation against Internet media "Stance News" and others, and arrested 7 people for conspiracy to publish seditious publications.

According to Hong Kong media reports, those arrested included Hong Kong artist and former director of "Stance News" He Yunshi.

On the same day, Li Guihua, Senior Superintendent of the National Security Division of the Hong Kong Police Force, explained the details of the case.

  [Concurrent] Li Guihua, Senior Superintendent of the National Security Division of the Hong Kong Police Force

  The National Security Department took enforcement actions in different places in Hong Kong this morning. The action was directed at an online media "stance news" and others who conspired to publish multiple inflammatory articles. And Article 10 "Crimes of Conspiracy to Publish Sedition Publications".

A total of 7 people were arrested, including 3 men and 4 women, aged between 34 and 73 years old, including the editor of the online media and the director at the time, who played an important role in the editorial and corporate strategy of the organization.

  [Explanation] It is reported that the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government also issued a notice of freezing assets in accordance with the Third Schedule of the Implementation Rules of Article 43 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, freezing the assets of about 61 million Hong Kong dollars in "Position News". The one with the most money in the solved case.

  [Explanation] Li Guihua pointed out that the investigation revealed that the agency was suspected of publishing many inflammatory articles from July 2020 to December 2021 in an attempt to arouse hatred or contempt for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government.

  [Concurrent] Li Guihua, Senior Superintendent of the National Security Division of the Hong Kong Police Force

  We found that these inflammatory articles have other uses. We found that some of them (articles) are used to incite others to split the country, inciting others to subvert state power, or call for foreign sanctions against the Hong Kong SAR government or the People’s Republic of China. These articles are usually Those who have been arrested, or the fugitives who have been "taken international lines", are provided as bloggers.

  [Explanation] It is reported that the "Stance News" issued an announcement in the afternoon of the same day that it immediately ceased operations, the website and all social media immediately stopped updating, and all employees were immediately dismissed.

  Reporter Liang Yuan Luo Siyu reports from Hong Kong

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】

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