Teller Report

Popova said that almost all patients with omicron in South Africa did not have immunity

12/30/2021, 11:22:20 AM

Almost all patients with the omicron coronavirus strain in South Africa did not have immunity from infection. This was announced by the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.

“Today we understand that among the sick and seriously ill in South Africa, almost all people are not vaccinated, people without immunity and people who have severe concomitant diseases and severe forms,” RIA Novosti quoted her as saying on the Russia 24 TV channel.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin, citing research data from the Institute.

Gamalei, noted that the Sputnik V vaccine will neutralize the omicron strain of the coronavirus.

Biological safety expert Nikolai Durmanov said that a month has passed since the appearance of the omicron, so the forecasts for its distribution are still very different.