Teller Report

Journal d'Haïti et des Amériques - In Haiti, transfers are increasing but the economy is not growing

12/30/2021, 6:28:34 PM

A paradox to which we return with Franz Duval, the editor-in-chief of Le Nouvelliste. He returns to statistics not yet definitive concerning the sending of the diaspora towards Haiti in 2…

In Haiti, transfers are increasing but the economy is not growing

Audio 19:30

View over Gonaïves, in the north of Haiti, 150 km from Port-au-Prince.

Photo dated May 7, 2016 (illustrative image).


By: Juliette Pietraszewski

2 min

A paradox to which we return with Franz Duval, the editor-in-chief of Le



He returns to statistics not yet definitive concerning the shipments of the diaspora to Haiti in 2021. A new record would be broken since the first indications speak of more than 30% increase from one year to another, and nearly four billion dollars transferred to Haiti.

Except that growth does not follow, its announced rate is -1.8%. 


Franz Duval also looks back on Prime Minister Ariel Henry's visit to Gonaïves.

A visit maintained on January 1 while the city is in turmoil.

In New York, Ghislaine Maxwell is convicted of sex crimes

In the United States, Ghislaine Maxwell, a former British socialite, was found guilty by a court in New York after three weeks of trial.

She was accused of having recruited and provided young girls for her former companion, Jeffrey Epstein.

She faces life imprisonment.

In New York, Loubna Anaki our correspondent, reconsiders this judgment.

We also talk about it with Achim Lippold in the Americas press review.

We are also interested in Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who indulges in the pleasures of the beach while a large-scale natural disaster is about to strike the northeast of the country.

In Brazil: the fishing village of Jericoacoara, too popular with tourists?

The paradisiacal beaches of the State of Ceará make tourists dream with their postcard landscapes.

In the 1970s, the fishing village of Jericoacoara became a popular spot for hippies.

In fifty years, frequentation of the village has changed a lot: it is now threatened by mass tourism, coming from all over Brazil and the world.

This little paradise, where the streets are made of sand, and public lighting is absent, is today threatened.

Our correspondent in Brazil, Sarah Cozzolino, takes us there.

She was able to meet locals and tourists on site.


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