Teller Report

Can you tell the difference between biathlon and Nordic biathlon?

12/30/2021, 2:34:18 AM

(Winter Olympics asks "Ji") Can you tell the difference between biathlon and Nordic biathlon?   China News Service, Shijiazhuang, December 30. In the Winter Olympic Games, the names of biathlon and the Nordic two are not only similar, but also originated in Northern Europe. Even the competitions are half the same, causing many people to be confused. . The picture shows the National Biathlon Cent

(Winter Olympics asks "Ji") Can you tell the difference between biathlon and Nordic biathlon?

  China News Service, Shijiazhuang, December 30. In the Winter Olympic Games, the names of biathlon and the Nordic two are not only similar, but also originated in Northern Europe. Even the competitions are half the same, causing many people to be confused. .

The picture shows the National Biathlon Center in Zhangjiakou, Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

Photo by Zhai Yujia

  From the perspective of the project portfolio, both biathlon and Nordic biathlon include "cross-country skiing".

However, the biathlon is a combination of cross-country skiing and shooting, and the Nordic biathlon is a combination of cross-country skiing and ski jumping.

The picture shows the National Cross-Country Ski Center in Zhangjiakou Division of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

Photo by Zhai Yujia

  Biathlon evolved from ski hunting in ancient times. One of its characteristics is to add a shooting link in the fierce skiing competition. There is static in movement, and there is movement in static, which tests the athletes' ability to convert between movement and static.

The picture shows the National Ski Jumping Center in Zhangjiakou, Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

Photo by Zhai Yujia

  The Nordic Games requires athletes to not only have the ability to quickly cross-country sliding, but also have outstanding jumping ability. They have very high requirements for technique, physical fitness and willpower. It is also the only event in the Winter Olympics that only has men's competitions. .

Look down from the National Ski Jumping Center.

Photo by Zhai Yujia

  Although the biathlon and the Nordic are both winter Olympics snow events, the experience of entering the Winter Olympics is completely different.

  The Nordic two items were included in the first Winter Olympic Games in 1924 and have never been absent since.

Biathlon is more twists and turns.

In 1924, it was only listed as a performance event for the first Winter Olympics. It was not until the 8th Winter Olympics in 1960 that it was officially listed as a competition event and named the biathlon.

(Organized by Li Jing)

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