Teller Report

Calls on current affairs - [Your reactions] End of the National Assizes in Mali: and after?

12/30/2021, 11:58:59 AM

In Mali, the National Refoundation Conference comes to an end in Bamako. What conclusions do you expect from it? What would be the ideal timetable for the return to civil power? This consultation, ...

[Your reactions] End of the National Assises in Mali: and after?

Audio 20:00

Three thousand people participate in these meetings for peace, reconciliation and the development of the regions of the North.


By: Chantal Lorho Follow

In Mali, the National Refoundation Conference comes to an end in Bamako.

What conclusions do you expect from it?

What would be the ideal timetable for the return to civil power?

This consultation, which was not unanimously approved, will it allow the country to get out of the crisis?


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  • Mali

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