Teller Report

58-year-old Luxembourg veteran table tennis player Ni Xialian: once the main player of national table tennis, full of affection for China-中国新网视频

12/30/2021, 5:29:07 AM

[Explanation] At the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, the 58-year-old Luxembourg table tennis player Ni Xialian "fired out of the circle." Audiences familiar with table tennis are no strangers to the name "Ni Xialian". Although she now represents Luxembourg, Ni Xialian is a native of Shanghai. As the main player of the women's national table tennis team in the 1980s, Ni Xialian was on the highest podium of

  [Explanation] At the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, the 58-year-old Luxembourg table tennis player Ni Xialian "fired out of the circle."

Audiences familiar with table tennis are no strangers to the name "Ni Xialian".

Although she now represents Luxembourg, Ni Xialian is a native of Shanghai.

As the main player of the women's national table tennis team in the 1980s, Ni Xialian was on the highest podium of the World Table Tennis Championships as early as 1983.

After retiring, Ni Xialian came to Luxembourg to continue her table tennis career.

Recently, Ni Xialian accepted an exclusive interview with China News Agency.

When talking about the reasons why Guoping has maintained its prosperity, Ni Xialian said that this is inseparable from China's good system.

  [Concurrent] Luxemburg Chinese table tennis player Ni Xialian

  We in China have a very good system, from the national policy and the following implementation and every level is very good.

I’ve been playing ball since I was a child, and I was born in a major. I slowly entered the national team from sports school, city sports school, and Shanghai team.

So I think this system is very powerful. It is one of the best systems in the world. It is incomparable between Europe and China.

I think this is the Chinese system that determines that we have such excellent athletes and achievements.

Like Sun Yingsha and Fan Zhendong, they are very good, and I admire them very much.

Congratulations to them for reaching such a level, they are really top-notch, the world's elite.

It is not easy, I am very happy to see them so good.

  [Explanation] In the 2021 Houston Singles World Table Tennis Championships women's doubles competition, Ni Xialian once again stood on the podium of the World Table Tennis Championships after 36 years, and also made history for Luxembourg.

Ni Xialian recalled the scene when she won the medal and said frankly that she was very excited at the time and felt unbelievable.

  [Concurrent] Luxemburg Chinese table tennis player Ni Xialian

  Because I was so excited, I felt that we were so lucky.

(My partner) is already 29 (years old), and she has only started playing professionally at the age of 19.

Our Chinese players have won the world championship at the age of 18, even at the age of 16.

So she has paid a lot, a lot in Europe.

But I am really "eating my laurels".

I have laid such a good foundation in China since I was young, and I mean technology.

Of course, there are many trials in the country, and the competition is fierce.

So make you very strong, there is a sense of responsibility there, never give up, it becomes as if your heart is very strong.

Will not relax until the last point.

Although we work very hard, our efforts are compared with Asian players (there is a gap).

I know that they practice for seven or eight hours a day, many teams, almost 4 people serve 1 person.

They have paid so much, so they should win.

  [Explanation] Many netizens noticed that Ni Xialian was wearing a mask printed with "China Table Tennis World Sharing" on the podium of the World Table Tennis Championships.

Ni Xialian said that she is full of feelings for China.

I am trying my best to show China's image in the international arena.

  [Concurrent] Luxemburg Chinese table tennis player Ni Xialian

  Because I saw that the Chinese team had this mask, I did everything possible to get this mask. I was lucky I got this mask.

And on the podium, my wish is that I and the Chinese team are the same.

We stand together, although you are taller than me, this is not important, the important thing is that we stand together.

Although I have been away from the Chinese team for so many years, I am still full of feelings for the Chinese team. Of course, for our Chinese products and China's international image, I am also doing my best to maintain, promote, and display.

But not many people have such an opportunity, and how lucky I am to have such an opportunity.

  [Explanation] As the Beijing Winter Olympics is approaching, Ni Xialian also expressed his blessings and expectations for the motherland.

  [Concurrent] Luxemburg Chinese table tennis player Ni Xialian

  I believe that the Olympic Games hosted by China will be a complete success.

Because we have hard-working people, responsible government, and then we have so many volunteers, and then there are many professional teams.

We have all the factors for success, and we have a strong desire to hold it well.

So I am full of confidence in this (Winter Olympic Games) and look forward to it very much.

  Chi Hanyu and Xing Rui report from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]

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