Teller Report

Yolanda Díaz says that her "vocation" is to fulfill the agreement with CEOE, but she promises to listen with "affection" to PNV, ERC or Bildu

12/28/2021, 1:16:59 PM

Will the coalition government respect the text of the labor reform agreed with the social agents? The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, has ensured that her ...

Will the coalition government respect the text of the labor reform agreed with the social agents? The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, has assured that her

"vocation is to remain as is"

, but has not closed the door to introduce changes during the parliamentary process. Díaz has promised to listen with "special attention and affection to the forces that support the Government", alluding to PNV, Esquerra or Bildu, who threaten to vote against the validation of the Royal Decree-Law approved this Tuesday in the Council of Ministers if there are no modifications.

Faced with criticism from, above all, Esquerra and Bildu, that the agreement with CEOE does not even partially repeal the labor reform of the PP and that it is "smoke", Díaz has defended the agreement.

"It is the first reform that recovers the rights of workers (...) Exactly smoke is not."

The minister has implicitly admitted that it is not the repeal that she promised, but "sometimes not getting everything you want, if it improves the life of the country, it is better," she said.

Along the same lines, Díaz has guaranteed "dialogue" with the investiture partners to carry out the rule, without closing the door to changes, despite the demands of the CEOE employer that "not even a comma" be touched.

However, Díaz has assured that for her "the easy thing" would have been to legislate alone or only with the unions, but "

I have insisted on an agreement with the three parties because our country deserves it


He has not mentioned that the European Commission has demanded social dialogue and the stamp of employers to preserve flexibility in the Spanish labor model.

The minister has particularly highlighted that the decree combats "precariousness" by limiting temporary contracts and giving more bargaining power to unions in agreements and salaries.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Bildu

  • Yolanda Diaz

  • PNV

  • ERC

  • Nadia calviño

  • Minister council

  • PP

  • European Comission

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