Teller Report

Vaccination registry: protection and treasure

12/28/2021, 6:21:48 PM

Data protection is important in order to create trust - but it must not lead to the fact that only others make money from the treasure trove of data.

Of course, in a democracy based on the rule of law and oriented towards the freedom of the individual, there are always very good reasons required to collect and compile information on the population on the part of the state. And of course it is questionable whether a national vaccination register would be available quickly enough to help overcome the pandemic. At the same time, the new Justice Minister Buschmann is exaggerating when he warns indirectly against this, in this way the state is gaining “comprehensive access” to “all health data” of its citizens in the long term. And whether a vaccination register itself would fail due to data protection concerns has also not been established. The discussion about this shows once again the reflex, which has unfortunately long been widespread in this country,When dealing with data, think too much about possible problems and little about possible opportunities. Yes, data protection is important in order to create trust - but it must not lead to the fact that only others make money from the treasure trove of data.