Teller Report

These products whose price is expected to increase in 2022

12/28/2021, 11:39:53 AM

A heavy blow for purchasing power. INSEE forecasts 2.7% inflation from the first half of 2022

Bad news for purchasing power, inflation should be back in the first half of 2022, due to the health crisis and the Covid-19 epidemic.

Growth was however up at the end of 2021 according to INSEE estimates.

But the institute foresees a somewhat darker future, with inflation expected to be around 2.7%, reports



An increase that will have repercussions on many products, in several sectors.

Food will be one of the first concerned according to INSEE.

In question: the rise in the price of certain raw materials such as wheat (+ 65% approximately), oil or cocoa.

The increase in production prices has an impact on consumer prices.

The textile concerned

Still on food, an increase of around 8% has already been felt on private label bread or pasta.

Prices which should continue to increase.

The price of coffee has also increased, due to poor harvests in Brazil due to lack of rain but also to the increase in the prices of transport and packaging.

The textile sector is also concerned.

The price of cotton soars and reaches its highest level for 10 years.

Clothing should therefore be impacted.

An increase which should drop from 0.8%, recorded last November, to 1.8% next June according to INSEE.

Lower prices at the pump?

Finally, the automotive and household appliance sectors are also concerned.

Raw material prices have increased and semiconductors are in short supply.

A crisis that could last until 2023, still with delays in deliveries.

Energy prices, which have already increased significantly in 2021, should contribute to this general inflation but their prices could go down.

Good news: fuel prices could drop by around ten cents from the start of 2022.


Consumption: The increase in prices over one year reached 2.8% in November


"Inflation allowance": A million people cannot receive it, for lack of having given their bank details

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