Teller Report

The year 2021: what we will resent in 2021

12/28/2021, 8:22:02 PM

The "bison" man in the Capitol. German politicians in windbreakers. Billionaires in space. Carnival in Cologne. Clubhouse. "Vaccination Fatigue". And Dennis Scheck on horseback: The FAS features section says goodbye to the year 2021 - with a list.

  • The arrest of Alexei Navalny.

  • The arrest of Roman Protassevich.

  • Donald Trump's acquittal.

  • That pictures like that of the "bison man" with horns and fur hat in the Capitol went around the world.

  • Even more electric scooters than 2020.

  • Even more meltdown videos than 2020.

  • The Ferdinand von Schirach Festival on public school television (D, A, CH).

  • The “Manifesto of the Open Society”, written by Markus Gabriel and Hedwig Richter, among others, whose addressees remained as unclear as the meaning of the comparative “freer debate about corona policy”.

  • All those days when you couldn't go to the cinema.

  • The death of Françoise Cactus.

  • That a few well-known actors and directors crashed into the satire format with their videos in the campaign #allesdichtmachen in April when they attacked the government's corona policy and the media;

    that some rowed back in the middle of the shitstorm immediately, but the hard core around the actor Volker Bruch added one more thing in October with #allesaufdentisch and followed up obscure expert discussions that could not dispel the suspicion of intellectual insanity and raised the question of what these positions actually made of them differs from the milieu of lateral thinkers.

  • Hubert Winkels' imitation of Habermas at the Bachmann Prize and his attempt to transform reading and literary criticism into liturgy.

  • Medical masks that are consistently worn under the nostrils or over the chin.

  • That the writer Peter Handke received the highest order of the Bosnian Serb Republic in Banja Luka - like the Bosnian-Serbian war criminals Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadžić or the Serbian right-wing radical Vojislav Šešelj before him.

  • The silence of the Gorki director Shermin Langhoff after the abuse of power allegations at her theater.

  • Olaf Scholz's silence on his role in the cum-ex affair.

  • The talk of the division of society.

  • That Federal President Steinmeier defended the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline because energy relations were almost the last remaining bridge between Russia and Europe, and said that in this context he should remember the attack by Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, which took place on June 22 for the eightieth time anniversary.

  • That the courts had to deal with placing the golden hue of certain chocolate Easter bunnies under trademark protection.

  • The Cave Syndrome and that every article depicted it with a sad woman behind a window pane.

  • Self-tests to spit, especially if you have to do them together with colleagues during training.

  • That Annalena Baerbock believed she had to write a book in order to be chosen as candidate for chancellor.

  • That Annalena Baerbock confused book writing with copying - and then said: "Nobody writes a book alone."

  • That we should all be Sophie Scholl.

  • That the European football association UEFA, although the player Christian Eriksen almost died on the pitch, put the Danish team under massive pressure to continue playing and continued the tournament unmoved.

  • That ZDF broadcast an episode of the series “Der Bergdoktor”, which is about the resuscitation of a woman and her child, after the transmission was interrupted, when it was not even known whether Christian Eriksen would survive.

  • The European Football Championship at all.

  • The Hohenzollern's demands for compensation and the declarations of cease and desist with which they cover their critics.

  • A medium good new Lorde record.

  • A mediocre new Jonathan Franzen novel.

  • All the vaccine doses that were thrown away.

  • Armin Laschet's laughter.

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